Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Manners !

Do you ever just feel you are way out in left field and there is no game going on !  Sometimes it hits you that the world you are familiar with no longer exists.  Believe me I am all for progress, we have to keep moving forward but come on, sometimes it's just to fast, too soon.  I do think manners have gone out the window.  And what some people are posting on facebook, with their names attached is shocking.  It's funny, they think we aren't brave enough to do or say some of these things.  That's not it at all.  We know you can do, say, experiment, guess, try all sorts of things.  We just chose not to.  Maybe some of us realize the consequences.  I probably should not have said shocking.  Maybe that is a strong word.  If you could take a minute and think before you post, like how would my son, or daughter feel about this or my boss or my neighbor.  Don't get me wrong there are somethings we do have to stick up for and I am all for that but if it's some silly story that you know would make someone you know uncomfortable, don't.  If you are doing it for attention, don't. Our world sometimes seems very cruel and heartless so maybe we need the beautiful stories that warm our heart.  Tootles

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