Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birds in Flight

Just had to add this.  As you can tell I love taking pictures of birds.  I was in my window watching them swoop up and around as they are making a nest under our eaves.  They have every year and it is so interesting to watch.  The beauty in their wings, especially when they are spread out is a joy to see.  Our cats are are very interested, might I even say determined the birds will be lunch but so far and I do hope it continues they are reduced to just watching.  It's funny our one cat, Elviria hides in the bushes by our bird bath.  I'm afraid the birds have out smarted her time and time again.  Thank Goodness.  I love my cats and adore watching the birds so hopefully all will stay as it is and I can enjoy both.     Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...