Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Middle of the Week

Hello, Hello, and Hello !  I feel great today had a very good workout, good food and good company.  Now who could ask for anything more.
     We started out the day by getting up early and heading to the gym.  When you look in the frig. and there is one egg (our chickens have decided to lay their eggs all around the big front yard instead of in there pen, they all seem to only like the same nest for laying and Patty the big black chicken will not get off of it, so the other 6 chickens are protesting by scattering their eggs, we even found them in the goat pen) and no bread, no almond milk for what little cereal is left, the answer is, Eat At the Gym. The Cabana Cafe is great as the food is very healthy for you besides being delicious.  All the employee's there are super nice and the manager is our Aqua instructor.  I am so happy as besides doing my regular workout I think I told you I am also doing the rower.  Wow, what a heart pumper.  I feel this all over and I am telling you, no kidding, it is strengthening my bottom, stomach, and thighs a lot.  I do not want to fall so it's important that I keep my body in the best shape I can.  After our swim we stopped in at the Cafe again and split a sandwich before heading home.  I have such a good time visiting with everyone along with working out.  We are all a little concerned about one terrific lady, Barbara.  She is having some problems walking and wasn't able to come today.  Her husband did come but as he was about to go in the pool, Barbara called the gym and ask for him to come home as she was not doing well.  He said he was going to get her in to the Dr. and see what was going on.  We will find out Friday.  I already told you about Edie falling and fracturing her hip so as you might expect we are all concerned.  Please say a little pray for each of them.  They both have medical issues, as we all do, that is why I thank God we are all going to the gym.  It keeps illness, weakness, depression, and pain at bay.  We are all a close group and care very much about each other so, (Oh, no, she's going to lecture again)  have you gone to the gym in your area yet or started up a bunch of friends or neighborhood get together.  I don't care how you do it, Just Do It.  It's so important to your health and happiness to exercise, exercise, exercise.  Ride a bike, dance, like no one is watching, play basket ball, jog, run, skip, jump.......get the picture go, go now.
     I have to say I had joined a gym in another town (I think I have told you this before) and they were awful.  No doubt about it, just down right rude.  That is why I stress check it out first.  Take the tour and ask the people there how they like it and why.  I think it's important the gym have a Senior Wellness program, that way you are covered.  Once a month we have some kind of a social. O.K. enough.  I just want everyone to not miss out on the rest of your loooonnnnggg life.
     On a different note something I forgot to add last time about TV with no cable and only using antenna for digital ( I must stress this is for newer TV's, the older ones will also need to have a converter box along with the antenna).  Go to  It's like the old TV guides and shows you what channels you will get and the programs.  I'm excited about the pbs channels as they have travel, cooking, painting, and lots more.  So check it out and save yourself some money
The also have the regular line up of evening shows.
     I'm sure you have already look at the new free books, if not.......I just picked up, "Goddess of Fried Okra," by Jean Brashear,   "Face of Betrayal," (Triple Threat #1) by Lis Wiehl and April Henry,   last but not least....."A Flower Blooms on Charlotte Street," by Milan McGraw Porpst.
     I'm sure you have noticed some of the books that are for free one day will cost you the next week.  They don't stay on the free list very long.  Some even only last a few hours so make sure you check it daily.  I would not want anyone to miss out on a good free book.  Good Health, Healthy Food, Tootles

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yard Ornaments

These are my Three Little Pigs.  I have them amongst my mint.  I made them in ceramics class years ago.  No, I did not form them myself, they came out of a mold.  When I reveal that, it's' funny how some people react.... Oh well, I thought you designed them.  So somehow there value has just dropped way down.  I did paint them and that was fun, anywho just wanted to give a little history on my pigs.  Ha!  They were originally presents that I gave away, to family.  Well you know how that goes, they don't know what to do with them and they can't just throw them away so here they come back to you and I certainly don't know what to do with them, so here they are in my herb garden.  Don't think I mentioned they are piggy banks, guess they just didn't have any change to put in them ,what with the bank and atm cards now, who has change anymore.  The little lamb on the side is one half of a cake pan my Mom use to bake my birthday cakes in.  I don't know what happened to the other half.  Did I ever feel special when she made that.  Oh, the good old days !
     I think I mentioned before we no longer have cable or any other company
 to watch all those thousands of channels.  What we do have right now is nothing.  That is we turn our tv on and  right now we get about 6 channels, 5 very good and one snowy (the older crowd will get the snowy) This friday we are getting the antenna for digital and should get several more channels.  Not that I think we need so many.  Let's face it with the thousands of channels how many times did you say....." Honey, there is nothing on".  At least this way we are saving ourselves 80. plus every month.  Hey, that's a lot of moola. I'll let you know how many more channels we get and the quality.
     This morning it is down right cold.  I am not kidding.  Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, just surprised and a nice one at that. 
     I'm fixing up a new area outside for reading or just sitting quietly and drinking tea.  Right now Jim is clearing it and we are putting in a box planter.  Will take a picture of it when it's done.
     We have a new kitty !  Well, we don't actually have it yet.  It just showed up at the far corner of the outside yard.  We have another cat there, that is not very social and seems happy to be fed and just left alone.  This new kitty, is all black, I think, as I nor Jim has been able to get very close before is skitters away and hides amongst the bushes and we are unable to see it.  Jim is feeding it of course so hopefully in time it will become more friendly.  Jim just came in and said Elviria our black cat is rolling around in the grass a few feet away from the kitty, and the kitty is inching up.  Well see !   Tootles

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Adeline watches over my herbs.

She has been with me for a long time.  I love to dress her up in different costumes.  I once had her dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Then of course I took two sticks painted them red and white strips added some old shoes, that I had painted bright red with glitter on them, stuck them on the end of the sticks put them half under some shrubs in my yard and WaaLaa!  The Witch of the West or was it East, I can't remember but you get the picture.  I really have fun just putting her everywhere.  My kids think I'm a little crazy but I think it's fun.  Wish I had several more.  I'm always looking.
      Hey, I'm excited about going to the gym tomorrow, not only for the exercise and the swim class but we (seniors) are having a cooking class.  It seems a chef , I believe from Chico, is going to show us healthy cooking.  I believe he is going to demonstrate how to and what ingredients.  I don't think we are going to do anything other then try out what he makes. (I think).  It should be interesting and different.  I'm all for trying new things.
     I've been swimming off and on today.  Taking advantage of our pool.  It sure cools you off fast and I get in some of my exercises. 
     We watched the movie "Gran Torino", with Clint Eastwood.  I know, I know it has a lot of bad language and racial slurs but and that is a big but, the movie itself has such a good lesson.  Especially about American family life today, what with cell phones, texting, and the disconnection with each other even in the same room. Somewhere along the line respect and manners have lost there way.  It also shows you to have a more open mind, what you assume isn't always what really is going on.  I have to say I liked the Movie very much even with the language and such as that was the only way to tell the story.  If you haven't seen it, Do so.  I think it's something we all should see. Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...