Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Morning

I  would like you to meet Alice and Rose, our pet goats.  Actually  they started out with our Granddaughters but you know how that goes so Grandpa is taking care of them.  Believe me he is not complaining as we love them and enjoy watching them very much.  When they get excited to see you coming, off they go running lickity split with their heads turned to the side.  Let me tell you they are so cute.  They are very curious and have loads of fun just running around and investigating everything in site.  Then they settle down dig two little shallow holes with their two front paws to place their knees in and sit down and relax.  They love to sit in the shade and just watch the chickens, Elvis our stray kitty, who plays with Edgar, our other stray kitty, who is now a cat.  I think he gets too rough but Elvis keeps going back for more.  They sit and watch for hours.  Alice and Rose also love to eat Alfalfa but also love to nibble on the chicken feed, oatmeal and just about anything that's a grain.  What fun they are to have around, NO, we do NOT even think of eating them.  I sure hope they did not hear that as they would be very upset and I'm sure plan an attack of some kind.
     Now have you ever seen anything more adorable.  I mean they even have their Sunday socks on.  Enjoy !   Tootles

Thursday, September 16, 2010

That's not all !

     I didn't tell you everything.  The first guy I talked to not only backed out the charge but he gave me a promo of 9.99 to use at Amazon for my inconvenience of having to call Amazon and explain how I messed up.  WoW!  What a company.
     Our gym is offering Silver Sneakers which sounds like something I would want to join, and I did but it's only offered to those who have a certain type of health insurance, if in fact you do, the insurance will pay for your membership in the gym.  Sounds great right.  That is, until you realize if you don't have health insurance from their list, not only will they NOT pay for your membership but you CANNOT join in Silver Sneakers Classes.  Let's see....what would you call that ?  I was looking into it because I wanted to take the classes, from what I understood some of the exercises were from sitting in a chair, getting up and down from a chair, wrist and hand exercises and a lot more.  Well, I was in, as it sounded great to me.  I assumed (you know what they say about that) you could still join in the classes, they would just not pay for your membership, which was fine with me.  Jim and I have already worked out our budget so we can go to the gym.  That's how important we know good health and exercise is.  Well, after more inquiring, I'm afraid, that is not the case.  One instructor explained to me they we going to have the wellness program spill into silver sneakers.  WHAT does that mean ?  I have stopped asking and as you have guessed I'm a little slow.  This is another way of dividing the classes of people.  My bank account is not even close to most of the Seniors there but for some reason I didn't think that would matter at a health club as long as you paid your membership. Yes, there are different classes which cost more if you want to partake even the wellness program is 10.00 dollars extra a month which we were happy to pay but to not even offer this class to other seniors who would forgo the membership in the gym being paid is a shame, shame, shame.  I still love the gym and of course all my instructors and will continue doing my routine.
      Ok, that's enough complaining.  I must keep it positive and happy.  Jim is mowing our lawn right now and I smell fresh cut grass, and there is a chill in the air each morning now that tells you Autumn is sneaking in.  How lovely change is especially when we are looking forward to it.   Tootles

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amazon WOW !

     I just had an experience with Amazon that I am so impressed about I must share.  I always check out the free books, well, a couple of days ago I was clicking on some new books and the only thing I can figure (I've done it again, will explain) is I go out of the free books and am looking at the ones that cost, my brain is still on click mode and there I go.  What happened is I checked my bank balance and there was another 9.99 that shouldn't have been.  So after going into Amazon I still could not find where they had charged me, I called them.  The guy on the phone couldn't have been nicer.  I explained I was charged for a book I didn't buy.  Well, he checked my account and asked if I had purchased these three books.  I said , "Yes, but they were free".  He said, "No, this one is 9.99.  I swear I thought it was free.  He stated he would back it out.  I was so happy.  So what do I do again today!  I'm looking in the free books again (I'm doing this on my computer, otherwise I would have hit the, sorry it was an accident button) I go out of them and see a book that draws my attention and wham, I click.  As soon as it went through I knew I messed up.  I swear, what a dope !  So I go to my account and find where I had called before and talked to another guy.  I did explain I had just done this a few days before but could he please take it off and not charge me.  Let me tell you, again he could not have been nicer and did in fact take it off my Kindle and put my money back.  Now That is Customer Service and That is why Amazon is #1.  Am I right or am I right.
     What great weather we are having.  It's fall for sure.  I am looking forward to rainy days just don't want there to be too many.  Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...