Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Fingerless gloves or wrist warmers. What color do you want?  I love the lace ones in front. Tootles 

The Goddess !

Just one of the 5 kitties we have. Sweet, sweet sweet. 
Happy Holidays !

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Holidays are Upon us !

     How the  Holidays change us whether we want to admit it or not.  I for one try to only go shopping on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and maybe Thursday.  Never on  Friday  or the Weekend.  It's  just a madhouse.

     When your as old as I am you remember the old days.  It was just fun.  In my home growing up, my Mom always made our house up for the Holidays.  Believe me we did not have a lot of money but she managed to make it special.  We  always had decorations all over and my Dad and I would go get the Christmas Tree.  What fun that would be.  My Dad loved Christmas.  He even had a plastic sleigh which he added a Santa to and, now get this, he wrapped tiny presents to put in the sleigh.  Now that is dedication.  I think I miss my Mom and  Dad the most.  They were a lovely pair who had ups and downs but always stuck together.  The were gracious and kind.  They were there when you needed something and always had a hug with a warm heart to wrap you in.  Always welcome with the door swinging wide to welcome you inside.  Oh yes, how I miss them.  Wish I could spend a day with them both.  Sharing a cup of coffee at their Kitchen table.  Watching Mom getting a treat for us to eat.  Thank God, I have these wonderful memories and can close my eyes and I'm their, with them.  I see their smiles, the loving care in their eyes and I know without a shadow of a doubt how much they  love me and I love them.

     Wishing you and yours Happiness and Love for the Holidays !!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


 Now that's a basket of kitties
Front left Oreo, front right The Goddess, back left Faery, middle Angus and last is Domino.  Merry Holidays *;) !!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween is almost here

Good Morning !  The Sun is shining bright and this beautiful tree is a Willow tree my Jim planted. We have them all over our place thanks to Jim. Have a great day. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Homemade Kettle Korn !

Yum Yum 😀🎈🎁  it's like a present you give yourself.  Yeah !


Good Morning!  Here's to a hot cup of coffee, warm biscuits and homemade jam. Now I ask you who could ask for anything else. Do you happen to have any?
Now our porch is a little cool. Believe me a jacket or throw is needed but oh, how pleasant it is. 
The weather is much cooler and really enjoying. It's always nice for things to change whether it's weather, environment or people around you. All of a sudden you have a different outlook. The change has given you a new perspective on life.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Take more pictures of inside and out in a few days. Then we will put everything together. So excited !  Inside we have stove, refrigerator, microwave, and air conditioner. More to add later

Cookie Monster and Elmo

Made these for Grandsons. Made a backpack for Cookie Monsters cookie so of course had to make backpack and cookie for Elmo. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Kitty House

I  was looking for Thumper and as you can see from the photo on the right I knew where she was.  Ha  I have made a Kitty House for them with just what I have around my house.  A small table, small chair, a small wire table, which I have hung upside down.  Made little pillows to fit the wire shelves.  Then added a doll buggy at the top almost to the ceiling.  I had it up for several weeks but they were too little to go up. On the bottom part I used a sheet to wrap around the small chair and even managed to make like a sling under the seat.  Thumper and Rosie are having a ball playing and sleeping.  The Mother, Angelina gets into it also.  I think I posted we were told  Angelina was a boy, never really checked him out, if you know what I mean.  We called him Angus.  Next thing we know Angus is really chubby.  Realized kitties are on their way.  At two in the morning she jumps up on our  keep in mind we already have two dogs on the end of the bed.  One is a small mix, border collie and cocker.  The other is small terrier.  Here comes Angelina in the middle of the bed and starts having kitties, 4 to be exact. Must mention we have Eddie on the side of the bed.  He sleeps on the floor in his own bed.  Not to leave him out, you can bet he was hanging over the bed in AAhh as we all were.   Two we have given to our Granddaughters, which they have named Booker and Annie.  What fun they are having.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Just Thinking

     It has come to my attention how interesting it is when we are young we seem to think it's important that we get our opinion out there.  Really, no matter what subject matter it involves.  I think it strikes us that hey, we are adults now and  people will listen to us and maybe even want to hear what we have to say.  So, of course we kinda get our thoughts into this conversation and that conversation and pretty soon they really are waiting to hear just what we have to say.  So our ego is pumped up just a little  and we spill.  I mean we are giving our thoughts and opinions on just about everything and to who ever wants to listen.  Now, maybe this is a good thing and maybe not so good.  Yes, of course, its okay to give your opinion, especially if its something important to you but then again sometimes we get a little to big for our britches and are somewhat full of ourselves and  then everything goes down hill from there.

What I am talking about is People, family.  You know those you Love.  You get it into your head that maybe you don't like the way they are acting or they have said something you don't agree with or  even worse you remember something from way in the past and you think it's important you bring it up and give your opinion of it.  That's when all hell breaks loose and the, you know what, hits the fan. Sadly, you realize or maybe you don't, you have lost the most precious, wonderful,  thing in your life.  Love.  That's right you not only have lost that but you have hurt someone or maybe even more that one really bad.  And let me tell you there is no quick returns.  Your sunk.  Now all of a sudden that superior feeling you had just a minute ago and that blown up ego you have been carrying around has deflated.

Okay, so you don't like the way someone has been acting.  Let me tell you, unless you are willing to get inside their heads or you have a way of finding out just what is going on in their lives, back off.  Keep an open mind and just listen  You don't need to even make a comment.  Let it go.

Now I am not saying this is for every situation but sometimes we just need that word of caution to stop and ask ourselves if this is that important or can we just let it go.  Hey, sometimes it's not, then I say have at it.  Let the sparks fly.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our Walnut Tree

We are so lucky our walnuts this year are plentiful.  We have two in our yard

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday Morning

Sitting in my favorite chair which is across
the room from the photo.  I will take a picture of it.          It's still cool here. We are being spoiled as usually it's quite warm and some would say down right hot.  Not this year

I am enjoying this morning.  I am learning so much about posting.  I using the Blog app on my phone to take the photos,  saving as a draft then continuing on my computer.  How cool is that.  As you can see my cup of tea is there along with books and computer.  Life is good.

We just got back from a trip to Disneyland.  It was so much fun.  We have gone before a few times but I have to say this trip was really fun.  Our son and his family invited us to go with them.  I enjoyed every minute.  The hotel we stayed at had free breakfast which worked out so well as Jim and I were there at 6:30 (one of the first to arrive ).  We were able to enjoy our breakfast while the rest of the family were getting up.  It was perfect.  Then each morning we would ride the tram into Disneyland, it would come every 20 minutes to the Hotel.  What more could you ask for,  I tell you it was great.  We stayed 5 days and were in the park everyday.  Enjoyed the rides, even the water rides as it was very hot the week we were there.  NO, we did not go on the Tower of Terror !  Scary !!
The food was out of this world and everyone of the Disney Employees were outstanding.  Kind, considerate, helpful, funny and most of all made our stay and trip exceptional.  How lucky were we.
The beginning of our trip, on the way down we had some difficulty with one of our cars and what could have been horrible we were able to turn it around into something positive.  An Art class at Denny's along with chocolate and vanilla shakes with fries.  Now I ask you how horrible could that be.  Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...