Saturday, May 20, 2017

Taking a Break !!

This is from my SourDough Sandwich bread. The next day we made French Toast. It was so delicious. 
But now I'm very sad. I tried to make SourDough Bread. You know either the bowl or oblong. It did not rise at all. I was so disappointed 😔. 
I'm not giving up, just a break. I put my Starter in frig. And know it will keep. 
I really want to figure this out. Tootles 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

No bubbles

Not enough anyway. We did the test where you drop a spoonful in water and if it floated, your good to go. It sunk right to the bottom. I think maybe the water wasn't warm enough but who knows. I have it sitting on the stove right now and will watch it. Hopefully sometime today it will work and I can make two loafs is sourdough bread. Tootles   In the meantime I'm enjoying a cup of coffee with my Jim. Look at the beautiful fire he made for me this morning and Oreo and Goddess are soaking up the warmth too. Tootles 


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I've got Sourdough Sandwich Bread

It is delicious, if I do say so myself. I can hardly wait till tomorrow to make more. 
I did mean to take a pic before it went in the oven. The Dough was sticky and a little hard to handle. Oh ! I have to say I am having a ball. Love LoveLove my kitchen.   Tootles

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Day 4

 I think tomorrow I am making some Bread.  It really looks good and some sites say 3 days for the starter.  I am so excited to give this a try.  I'm going to make the Beginner Sourdough Sandwich Loaf first as that is what they recommend.  And also tomorrow I think I am going to make a couple loafs of Sour Dough Bread and I'm thinking of baking them in the dutch oven.  Doesn't that sound like fun.  Well we will see..

How fun is all this at least I'm not just focusing on myself and my illness.  I swear it's a puzzle.  In a matter of hours things change and not always for the good, anyway not my good.  I'm learning to not take things for granted,  be really thankful for each day,  enjoy the heck out of my family and try and make each minute count.  Sometimes I do get pretty down but I have to say it doesn't last long.  I have always been like that and I am so glad.  I just won't stay down for long because I want to see what is going to happen next.   Tootles


Monday, May 15, 2017

Day 3

Looking good. Third Day. I can hardly wait. So hungry for my Sour Dough homemade Bread 🍞 

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...