Thursday, April 15, 2010

And so it Begins !

     Good Afternoon all you fit and trim exercise warriors or those of us who are on our way to being fit and trim warriors.  We met with Stephanie and it was great, answered all her question, had a few of our own and whaallaa we are in.  Well almost.  You see tomorrow we are to meet with the trainer and set up our exercises.  We were also introduced to Jennifer who will  also be working with us in our exercises and goals.  Am I ever excited.  In about two weeks it will be even better as by then we will feel we know the place better and I will  know more about what to do and where to go.  I want to, in the near future, start swimming as I have been looking at suits on line.  They are pretty cute but most are high in price or it's just that I haven't been shopping for swim suits for quite awhile.  I really like the health club itself.  I think I told you yesterday, the name is "In Motion Fitness"  in Chico, CA..    It's really beautiful you feel like you are in a palace.  There are large columns everywhere and the general feel is luxury.  There seems to be something for the whole family, I mean kids included.  I know for the summer we are going to be so happy.  Not only the wellness program but just joining the gym they offer swimming in at least 6 different pools some are heated.  One is heated to 82 degrees and has an over hang so you don't have to worry about the suns rays.  Isn't that cool ?  Plus I believe there are 3 or 4 different hot tubs of different sizes.  Now I know I am different sometime but I'm am not one to like hot tubs, never have and never will.  That's ok, because there are plenty of people out there that just love them.  I will however really enjoy the 82' pool especially because it has the overhead covering. They also offer Yoga, Tai Chi, sculpting classes and heck many many more.  That is just at my gym find out what yours has to offer.  I think you might be surprised.  Oh, another thing, which I think I already mentioned, they have a cafe there and because it is family oriented and has Seniors the prices are going to be reasonable.  There is going to be a yogurt bar and I believe many smoothies offered, kids food and a variety of sandwiches.  I can hardly wait. We hope it opens soon seems to be red tape with the city, maybe they need to join the club and chill out.  Isn't someone from the City Office a member ?  Come on let's get a move on here.   So as you can see we will be spending a lot of our time doing our own thing along with what's on the program.  Sounds like a plan to me.  Tootles

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Motion Fitness at 62

     O.K. I know what you are going to say.  Where have you been ?  Well I have very good news....Ta Da Ta DA !  I have joined a health club, fitness center, what ever you want to call it...I joined "In Motion Fitness" in Chico, CA.  I am so excited.  After some problems with pressure, that is pressure and too much pressure with my blood.  That is Blood Pressure WAY too high.  I am now on meds., which I am not happy about but hey, if the choice is a stroke, I choose meds.  Any who, we are signed up and ready to go.  Tomorrow is our first day, that is for our consultation.  We are meeting with Stephanie and I am so excited about it.  Then on Friday we meet with our one on one coach.  Of course, Jim is joining with me we have to keep him healthy also.  So I will keep you posted and hope I can encourage anyone out there who is deciding whether to go or not, by all means GO.  What have you got to lose, but weight and I know you will feel much better.  I was very surprised by the amount each month.  Please check it out for yourself.  They won't give you a quote over the phone (I don't think) but just go in take a tour of the place and find out for yourself.  I think you will be as surprised as I was.  Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...