Monday, December 31, 2012

Tea Anyone?

Lot's to talk about for the new year.  I have tried loose tea and I love it.  I swear once you do it's hard to use a tea bag again.  I do, of course as I make the loose tea a special occasion.  I'm knitting again and doing much better.  And I am reading lots of books.  Will be listing them and why I enjoyed them.  So here is to 2013 and all that implies.  Tootles

New Years Eve 2012

Welcome !  The last day of 2012 and what a year it has been.  Great things have happened and some not so great but that's as it should be.  That is life after all.  Well, Happy New Year to everyone and will be back soon.  Tootles

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Counting your Blessings

No, these are not my tulips.  I have not put my pic's on this computer yet so am using what they have here.  They are pretty and maybe we can have a blessing for each flower you see.  Start counting everyone.  That is what is so beautiful as we all have different Blessings and to have a flower and a very pretty one at that remind you of each Blessing, well that is just plain wonderful.  Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving to all.   Tootles

Just Down the Road

What a neighbor to have, uh?  Well, to be truthful , it's not exactly in my neighborhood, but wouldn't it be just too cool if it was.  I can smell the ocean spray and the trees as the waves come up on the shore.  The sound.  Oh, to close your eyes and hear the ocean as it's whispering it's secrets and you are telling yours. 

I'm working out my numbers.  The birthname number and the birthdate number.  It's really quite interesting.  Plus for some people, if you marry then of course your name has changed as well as your name number.  I'm just in the middle of it all now so will let you know if anything exciting shows up and I missed it.  Ha!  I'm just kidding because I do believe in numbers.  To me it's the same when people say,  "It just worked out", or "It was like clock work", or "It was a chance meeting".  I guess you could say I just believe.  I believe in Magic, Faeries, Numbers, Tarot, and of course God, where it all began.  Here is to all of you Believers out there !  Tootles

Sunday, October 14, 2012


 What a great day.  It's Sunday, it's a lot cooler than it has been and how I love mornings.  The Sun is just starting to shine through the trees and it is beautiful.  You can see we still have the porch light on.  This is taken from my bedroom window and I am sorry to say in the next photo you can see the screen.  I think it has taken on a different quality.  It's like you wonder if it's real or imagination.  The kids really do have a good time on the swing set and I must admit that is one of my favorite things to do.  I swear your cares and worries just blow away when you are on the swing.  Of course I no longer jump out any more, that would not be a good thing nor would it be pretty to look at. Ha!
There is a picnic table at the bottom of the picture.  It's nice having everything right together and we do enjoy our yard.
My, can you believe October is half over.  I swear time is flying by.  Why is that ?  When you are young and in you teens it crawls by.  You think you are never going to be a teenager, then comes 16 and that comes even slower.  You feel 18 and 21 are never going to get here and after that someone speeds up the clock and wow your amazed how fast it goes.

Hey,  I read something on line, a mystery of some sort and I think I have that same thing happening in my house......  This woman said she keeps seeing this mystery women in her house, especially when she looks in the mirror.  She wonders just who is that "old lady", and where did she come from.  I know what she means.  I walk by my window and just get a glance of an old women also.  She seems to be following me where ever I go.  I think she is the one turning down the TV, that I can't hear and I don't know how she has done it but the wall the TV is on seems to be a lot further than it use to be.  Well, let me tell you, I am on the case and I will figure this out.  Now if I could just remember where I put my teeth but first I have to find my glasses or it's no use looking as I can't see anything without them.  I sure hope she hasn't put them somewhere just to get my goat.

I was watching PBS this morning and they came up with a wonderful recipe for killing weeds.  WITHOUT POISON ,  It's 5 to 1.  You take 5 parts of water, boiling and add 1 part salt, (any kind) let it dissolve.  Put it in a container that will pour and go get those weeds.  You just pour it on the weed right in the middle.  When it's fallen over pull the whole weed out and sprinkle some salt on the soil and it should not come back.  Tootles

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Our Sweet Cats (well one is,anyway)

Hello and Welcome to a whole new month.  October !  What a great month as this is when the weather changes.  The breeze is a little cooler, more cloudy days, and no more hot,hot,weather (we hope).  Elviria is on the left and She is the sweetheart, very loving, very kind, well, if I could just get her to put her nails in when she is hugging me.  I swear she has never learned to do that and she always catches me off guard.  Now Edgar, the cat on the right is big, soft and you just want to pick him up and hug him to death.  DO NOT do that or you will see your death.  Not kidding.  He came to us on his own.  You see we have a cat and dog door so our animals can go in and out whenever they want.  Well, lo and behold one morning we woke up to meowing.  At that time we had Elviria, Eleanor (her sister,who passed this summer), and Baby.  They are full grown and this meow sounded like a baby kitty.  That is just what it was.  He's sitting on the kitchen steps meowing away and our other cats have made a circle around him.  Of course we go to pick him up, at least Jim does and he's a little scared, probably a lot scared and is scratching his arm.  Let's just say never did we attempt to pick him up again, other then getting him in a carrier and having him fixed. He let us know from the beginning he does not like to be held or even touched.  He does like to rub up against your legs but just don't touch him.  We have fed him and talked to him but never picked him up.  There have been a few times he has come in really tore up.  I mean it looked like a coyote (that's my guess) actually had Edgar's head in his mouth, that's how bad he looked.  He curled up on a blanket I had in the window and recovered. We made sure he had the basics and talked to him but then just let him be and he did recover.  As you can see he looks great.  Sometimes we call him Sparky.

Here is Elviria and Eleanor together.  They were sisters and like sisters had their moments of fighting, nothing bad but the occasional hiss at each other.  I know Elvira misses Eleanor, as do Jim and I.  We have thought about getting another kitty but then we change our minds.  We will just have to see.  Tootles

Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Fall Here Yet ?

I swear here it is Sept. 21, and we are still in the 90's.  It's time for Fall weather.  After all tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox.  How I love Fall.  I do have to say I really love Fall in Kansas, where I grew up.  The tree's are so pretty and that little feel of bitter cold early morning, well, you know the snows are not far off.  My Mom always loved the four seasons in Kansas.  It does make variety but don't know that I would want the freezing temps. and to have to drive in the snow, well that would be scary on the road.  The worst we have it here in California is a lot of wind and rain.  I do live in the country so I have to deal with mud.  Yuk!  Hey maybe it would be better to have snow, at least it's clean. Ha!  Oh Well, there is no more moving for me.  Believe me I have done my share.  I have lived in 50 houses throughout my life.  That means 50 different addresses.  That is just too many.  I envy the people that were able to move into Grandma's house or are living in their Mom and Dad's house.  I just can't imagine how lovely it must feel to have all the memories right in the same place.  Talk about walls talking !  Yeah, I guess so.  Of course the ideal place is big, two to three story, full basement and of course walk up attic just full of old furniture, trunks of old clothes and boxes of old pictures.  What a find that would be and to have all your relatives close enough to call them all over for the weekend and have room for everyone.  Hey, I can dream can't I.  It's just not like that anymore.  Now we are on our phones, computers, big screens etc.  Me too.  I can't say too much because I am right there with all of you but I guess the sad thing is my Grandchildren and G.Grandchildren will never know the closeness of family.  The Aunts and Uncles, cousins, second cousins and even third cousins.  They are the one who kept up grounded.  They let you know when your fashion style was stupid.  When your mouth got out of hand.  They reminded you to just be yourself.  You are special just the way you are and never put on airs.  I do miss my Grandma Shivers.  She was one in a million.  She had rules and you went by them or you were being ugly.  Now I ask you Who in there right mind would want to act ugly. Ha.  I love you Grandma and try to live my life so you would be proud.  Tootles

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cup of Tea ?

Come on in, sit down and start talking.  I will bring you a cup of tea and maybe even a scone.  Sound delightful ?  You bet, I'm all for delightful.  This was my room for pondering life and all that it brought your way.  I'm afraid I am still pondering and haven't really come up with any answers but I sure do enjoy giving it a try.

Our heat wave has traveled on to distant regions not to return again this season.  The heat is still hot for me, 90's, even the low 90's.  I want the temperature low 80's.  Hopefully fall will come soon.  Just saying. Tootles

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August Heat Wave !

 We have had a couple of weeks of over 100 temps.  I was really hoping to escape the hear wave this year but nooooo.  It has just been miserable. So I have put on pictures of flowers from my yard from back in May when we were having spring weather and loving it.  Also along with the rose, which is so pretty, I have rosemary, mint and sage. Take a wiff----it smells wonderful. 

I was just reading somewhere about home care for the face. 
Take a little honey apply it to your face, lips and eyelids.  Leave on for 10 to 20 min. Rinse and Wow it feels great.  Really soft and glowing.

Next take 2 to 4 aspirin in your palm, crush them, then add a few drops of water to make a paste, add honey.  Mix together, apply to face only. It's great for pores.  Try it, you might just like it.

I have used Olive Oil on my face for a long time and really love it.  Now I have some new things to add.  Hey the way I figure it, if I get hungry in the bathroom I'm all set.
Today is my Granddaughter's birthday.  She is 12.  I have stated before that is the best age ever !!!!  Just think about it.   Tootles

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer Time Fun

We'll call it the Bow and Arrow Club.  Shain and Kyra made their own and had a lot of fun doing it.  What can I say they both have imagination and use them.  Oh, how I remember being 12.  Feeling very confident and sure of myself.  Always wanting to try something new and loving life.  At that age in the late 50's girls didn't worry about hair, outfits, boyfriends (not that we didn't have any, we just didn't worry about them).  We just enjoyed life and what it had to offer.  I remember riding around town on my bike with my girlfriends
It was just the feeling of being.  I can't explain it but it's something you lose when you enter High School and all of a sudden boys enter the picture.  Girls change.  Of course not all of them but the majority of them do.  The bright girls dumb down they don't want to appear too smart afraid the boys won't like that.  I wish I had an answer for this I would give it away free.  All I can say to the girls......  Don't change, well do change but keep your confidence.  Tootles

Sunday, July 22, 2012


We lost our Eleanor on July 18, 2012.  Isn't she pretty ?  We miss her so much.  She use to come in the bedroom and get on the side of my shoulder and sleep.  We called her steel toes because she seemed so heavy in her paws.  She insisted on getting a drink, sitting on one side of the sink and water running in the other side.  Getting a drink from the pan on the floor was beneath her. She has a sister who you have seen here on this site.  Her name is Elviria and she is all black and of course Edgar (sparky) the outside cat, mostly. Then we have our dogs, Tasha, Olivia, Bella and our newest one, Eddie.  We are all sadden by our loss and are remembering all the sweet funny things she did and to never forget how much we will always love her.

Getting her drink.

 Just being beautiful.

Doesn't Goldie look good enough to eat ?


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The City and other Things

 Now this is what I call a home.  Just look at the work around the outside and how big it is.  I would love it.  I bet the back yard is just as beautiful.  Oh, to dream my dear, it would be lovely.

Below are two of my dogs.  Bella is on the left who is a couple years old and Olivia is on the right who is 10.  Olivia is giving her some sage advice.  They are quite a pair. 
How is everything going for all of you ?  I hope just grand.  Me ?  Well, it's good, really it is.  I can't complain.  Life has been pretty good to me and my family.  Oh, I do have wants.  Like maybe friends.

I don't seem to have any.  I suppose and it is hard for me to admit, I didn't take care of my friendships.  Things got in the way.  Sometimes it was time, other times it was commitments.  You know, the things you thought were so important at the time and now that you look back you realize they were not important at all.  Then there is the, "I'm just too tired or I just want some peace and quiet.  Well, I have got that now.  I'm tired and I sure have lots of peace and quiet.  Ha! or lol. (not really up with a lot of the new text shortcuts).  I would love to belong to a Book Club, Quilt Club, Crochet Club.  Hey, show me a Club and I will join.  Well, not really.  There has to be a liking for what ever they are doing and maybe some of the Clubs I would be unable to participate but I think you get what I mean.  I know some people would say join it on line.  Well, it's still not what I want.  I miss the getting together.  The talking until you realize how fast the time has flown by and your hungry or you've talked so much your voice is sounding hoarse.  It's funny, I remember going to see my daughter when my three Grandchildren were little.  I would spend the day with them and we would have such a good time.  I would go home and tell her Dad my ears are on my shoulder, I have spent the day with our daughter.  He would laugh. Tootles

Friday, July 13, 2012

Golden Gate and Other Things

How we love San Francisco. There are so many things to see and do.  The Golden Gate is just one of the many places.

How is everyone this wonderful cool morning.  The delta breeze arrived this morning and not a minute too soon.  Hopefully we will not have to put up with anymore 100's. 

I'm working on getting all my books on the app. ibookshelf.  It's great.  Now I can organize my books better and be able to look up books to see if I have them.  I was going to wait until fall but I'm indoors now anyway because of the heat so why not.  Tootles

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pier 39

What a fun day but then who wouldn't have fun in
Francisco ?

We always have a great time.

This time we ate at a little cafe away from Pier 39.  It's in the city and called Cafe Divine on Stockton and across from Washington Square.  The food was good but the service was not.  We enjoyed walking around although I must say not a fan of the up and down hill walking.  It's a little difficult when you are not use to it. Tootles

Friday, June 29, 2012

San Francisco

Crossing the Bay Bridge.  Just think about it .

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Elviria !

 Need I say more ?  Yes, I guess I will as she is the sweetest and most loving kitty ever.  Right now I think she is tell us to barbecue and I am on the swing not in the mood for cooking.  I'm in the mood for swinging as in dropping my self back in the swing stretching out my arms, hanging on and looking up in the walnut tree.  Remember doing that as a kid, well I still do it today.  I love to swing, always have and always will. I could be out there for a long time, sometimes going fast but most of the time just swinging back and forth and enjoying the birds singing to me as well as the gentle breeze.
 This is what I am looking at if I turn to my left while swinging.  The walnut tree is wonderful not only for shade but the yummy walnuts we get off of it in the fall.  We are so lucky to have it.  My ferns are doing great.  So far this year we have only had a couple days of 100' and the rest have been in the 70's and low 80's.  Go figure, we don't understand.  This is the end of June and it has been great.  We are loving it.  You can just see inside.  That's the funny room as we don't really know what to call it.  We don't really use it other than to get outside or inside.  It's a passing through room.
 Now standing in the passing through room and looking out the doors you can just make out the swing.  That's where I was swinging.  Everything is so cozy, how I do love my home.  It's a little odd and a whole lot strange but I do love it.  My husband has build every room and has had a lot of fun doing it.  We call it the fun house. Ha!  Not really, actually I have named it.... It's called......
" Arcanes Portus Aveo " .  It means Secret Haven of Happiness and Good Health.  You could also say Hidden Home of Happiness and Good Health.  How I do love it.
This is a corner of the Passing Through Room.  My treasures from the Thrift Stores.  I do love to shop at them and just look at what I found.  Of course, not Sadie Blake.  She's my doll my Mom made me.  Isn't she sweet but the flowers, the rooster and the plant divider is all from the thrift store.
I have rearranged it since I took this picture.  I'll get around to taking more pictures and show you but until then .....Tootles.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Garden growing And Books or Kindle ?

 These are our lovely Peaches.  Now, they are not freestone which I really love the best but I must say they do have a sweet flavor.  I want the freestone to put on the barbecue.  I''m sure you have seen the recipes which show them  and they talk about the caramel glaze.  I guess you cut them in half and, of course remove the seed then place them on the grill.  That's the only problem with these peaches there is no way to cut them in half.  You have to cut around the seed.  They look so pretty hanging there in the tree.
 Next is our artichoke.  They are so yummy.  I tried a new recipe, I think I already told you about it, where you cut the stem off the bottom place them in foil put garlic inside the leaves, pour olive oil over and sprinkle with salt.  Wrap it up put it in the oven for at least an hour and you have a treasure of taste.  It is so good.  Of course, the first thing you always have to do is soak them in water.  That, is to get the earwigs out believe me they are in there hiding. I also just boil them and dip them in mayo but the other method really gives them a great flavor.
Then we have the tomato.  You can just see one starting to turn.  I swear there is nothing like a tomato from your garden the flavor is so good, nothing like the tasteless ones in the grocery that seem to turn to mush.  It's obvious they have been frozen.  Hey, if you can't have a plant yourself then go to a farmers market you won't be sorry.

We also have grapes and wild berries but will show you them another day.  It is great having them in my yard.

So have you read any good books lately ?  Speaking about books and I do mean the one with pages that you actually turn yourself.  Well, I do miss them.  Yes, I do have a Kindle and yes, I love it But.......  I have to admit it's great but I am going back to the book.  I regret buying some of the books and getting them on the Kindle.  Yes it is convenient but I want the feel of the book back in my hands.  When I'm reading a good part I always rub the pages.  I take my whole hand and caress the page and you just can't do that with a Kindle or any other ereader.  Don't get me wrong I think there is a place for them and I will continue to use mine.  Let's say going on vacation, although I never take a book on vacation, I'm too busy seeing the sites and maybe picking up a new book to read later after the vacation is over, but I know some people want several books to take.  Well, here you go, load them on the Kindle and your set.  Another place is Schools.  Let's get rid of those back packs.  Have you lifted one of those.  Hey, go up and ask a student sometime if you can hold his backpack (well, in this day and age, maybe not such a good idea) but if you could you would not believe how heavy they are.  Talk about back problems later in life.  Anyway that would be a great place.  Yes I know there would have to be some regulations about them but, Books for Schools are not cheap and let's face it a lot of them have ended up in mud puddles.  Well, anyway that is my take on it and I must get going so I can order my new book from Amazon.  I will hold it and love it and smell it and pat it and squeeze it and place it on a shelf when I am done reading it so that whenever I look at the spine I will remember what a great feeling I had while reading it.  You just can't do that with a Kindle.  Sorry Kindle.  Tootles

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Come in and sit awhile

Hello and welcome.  What brings you by on this lovely day as summer begins ?  We are very lucky as the weather has been springlike.  Although we did have a couple of days that reached 100 last week, and believe me we did not like it, that is forgotten.  Now we are enjoying just being outside.  So as I said before come and sit a spell and let's chat.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Welcome !

 How is your day going ?  Here at the Dusty Cottage it is going great.  I'm still eating the Paleo way and my tummy is very happy. I do have to admit it is somewhat of a challenge.  So far I have been able to overcome and move on, so to speak.  You see not only am I eating the Paleo Way but after reading in both the books I have, about Paleo.  I have discovered the nightshade vegetables are not so good for you.  That is for some people.  It seems some of us have a gene that has a problem with a eating nightshades and I am pretty sure I am one of those people.  I won't go into that now but let's just say that has scratched off some of the veggie's I ate a lot.  They are potato and tomato.  There are more but those are the ones that effect me.  I do miss potato but hey, I'm doing fine.  Just like today I made a soup for lunch.  I added a couple of chicken pieces, cooked, to my veg soup.  I started out with the usual....onions, garlic, carrots, mushrooms got a good caramel crunch on them then....and here is the really super part
I just learned about.  I slice zucchini with a potato peeler and it looks like noodles. I added them along with curry, basil, cumin and salt and pepper.  Talk about yummy !!  It was delicious.  I plan on having that a lot.  So slowly I am getting use to and loving it
This sweet doll is Sade Blake.  My Mom made her for me.  I love her too pieces.  The picture above her was in my Mom's things and I just love it, especially the colors in it.  Tootles

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Eating Well.....

I am enjoying my new eating program.  I have been trying some new recipes from an app I pick up, it's called Fast Paleo.  It was rated 4 and 1/2 stars and I have to say it's pretty good. A lot of detail went into it.  However, as I stated I have tried some new dishes and were not impressed.  Don't get me wrong they are yummy to some people I am sure but just not to my liking.

 This is Edgar, he is spending time on our roof of our barbecue area.  He is big, soft looking, has a sweet face but you taking your life in your hands if you attempt to pet him let alone pick him up.  You steer clear, walk around and under no circumstances do you go near him. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Paleo Eating

Have you heard of it ?  It's as old as time, you might say.  Some call it the Cave Man Diet.  It's eating vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts and meat.  Some seasoning are fine.  Well I have started it and I must say I feel great.  There have been a few times I went ahead and gobbled down a slice of bread or half a donut and let me tell you I noticed the difference.  Strange, you say?  You bet, but true.  I am still in shock.  About What, you ask ?  Let me explain.

I have always had this weird tummy.  I say tummy because it started when I was in 3rd grade.  The Dr. visits and so on.  He said I had an ulcer.  This went on for several years until I got older and fixed my plate myself.  I was so tired of it all I didn't eat a lot.  That seemed to help.

Life went on, decades passed, illness came and went and here I am reading about how bread and all white food is very hard on your digestive system.  Now keep in mind I am a bread lover.  I even make my own bread.  So this was a little daunting for me.  Did I really want to do this and what if I had no more problems with said tummy ? Then what ?

Well after two days of only eating veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds and meat I was pain free.  I shouldn't say pain.  It really wasn't like I had bad pains it was more like my tummy was like a fist that would not release.  It was be bloated, full of gas (how charming), and just uncomfortable.

Now I am doing my best to stay with the plan.  Not to lose weight (all though that would be wonderful) but to just feel great.

I have a meat for breakfast with an egg.  Poached, or light oil  and some fresh fruit
Lunch salad with all the things I love....avocado, tomatoes, red onion, along with chicken or what ever is left over.
Dinner veggie, right now we are having artichokes from our garden, yum yum.  I put them in the oven with garlic, olive oil, lemon juice wrapped up in aluminum foil for about an hour at 425.  So Good !  Along with that I have some kind of meat, chicken, turkey, some beef or whatever you like.  Have a salad with it and you are set.

No more stuffing myself on chips, crackers, cereal, bread, rice or beans.  Let's face it they are fillers if you don't have the real food.

Hey will let you know how all this is working.  Tootles

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a Beautiful Picture !

I took this on our way into town as we were driving along the freeway.  What a glorious sky.

Spring is here.  We are having a great day, the weather is warm, just enough breeze to keep you cool and enough clouds to enjoy the sun when it shines.  I'm fixing up my patio now and will have pic to show you later.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Statue's of Nature

A Farmer down the road from where I live is taking his walnut orchard out as you can see.  I was driving by and was struck by the beauty of Standing Statue's.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birds in Flight

Just had to add this.  As you can tell I love taking pictures of birds.  I was in my window watching them swoop up and around as they are making a nest under our eaves.  They have every year and it is so interesting to watch.  The beauty in their wings, especially when they are spread out is a joy to see.  Our cats are are very interested, might I even say determined the birds will be lunch but so far and I do hope it continues they are reduced to just watching.  It's funny our one cat, Elviria hides in the bushes by our bird bath.  I'm afraid the birds have out smarted her time and time again.  Thank Goodness.  I love my cats and adore watching the birds so hopefully all will stay as it is and I can enjoy both.     Tootles

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

San Francisco at it's Best

These are just some of what I took.  I tell you I could just ride around for hours just looking at all the houses.  The whole feeling of being there is so unique.  I know what New Yorker's mean when they say that about their City.  It's hard to describe but once you are there you will know exactly what they are talking about.  I do so love to find a cafe hidden in the middle of a block and to go in sit at the window and enjoy the view from inside and out.  You know what I mean.  You are sitting at a table at the front of the cafe next to the front window.  You can not only watch the happening going on in the cafe but turn your head and watch what is happening outside.
Next time we go we are parking and walking as I do like to check out different stores.  Will have a tale to tell then. ............................................................................................I can't get over how beautiful the buildings are.  I'm sorry but the modern building are just big and ugly, not one once of character.  Tootles

Sunday, March 18, 2012

More pic's from the City !

The financial district.  Wow what buildings.  Taken from inside the car through the windshield.  Pretty cool uh !

It really was a pleasant day, not too cold or windy.
I'm in the car there looking at the Pink Ladies.  They are so pretty and their view is Alamo Park right across the street, which is where Jim is standing taking the picture.  What a great day we had .

Friday, March 16, 2012

Shopping in the City !!

This is what I bought.  Isn't it just the sweetest cupboard ever.  Remember I told you our home (well, part of it) is in an old school bus #4.  This is the kitchen at the front.  You come up the steps, grab on to the pole and swing up and you, my friend are in my kitchen.  Looking straight ahead you will see my newest edition....The SanFrancisco Cupboard.  The middle is a pull down door.  That is where I keep my baking needs and my pasta machine.  Want to see my homemade pasta ?
How about that, uh ?  Looks pretty good.
As you can see my kitchen is blue with some white or cream, a little green and black thrown in.
And this is where I bought the cupboard.....

Isn't this the coolest apt. building. She lived on the first floor on the left.  There were some steep steps going up to her door.  It was just like you would think inside.  The front room, that is where the windows are, is the bedroom.  Must be why she has them all covered.  We walked into the kitchen, after going through an entrance room.  It was full of bags and boxes of things.  She did say they were changing things around and the kitchen was adorable in the fact that it was old fashion.  I loved the old painted fancy work cupboards but what was different or I should say odd is the kitchen counter was full of liquor bottles.  I don't think you could have gotten another bottle on there.  Hey, to each his own I say.  She couldn't have been kinder or sweeter and had even came home on her lunch break so kudo's to her.  We ask her where would a good place be to have lunch and she suggested "Chile's Kitchen" which was up the street one block.  We went and the food was delicious.  Here is a pic of the outside......

You can see in the reflection in the window the beautiful buildings.  Will have more pic of SF next time.  Until then have a great day.  Tootles


Monday, March 12, 2012

A Big Hello from Adalaide and little Opal

These are my yard girls.  I move them all around the yard as sometime they are leaning on the fence and other times on the railing like now or under the tree.  They are my greeters.  Really I would like to have manikins all over the yard.  I think they are cool and you could dress them up for the different seasons.  Some people think I am crazy ( like my kids ) but hey, I say just have fun.
     We are having some rain here.  Just a little so far but the weatherman says tonight after midnight is when it will be the heaviest.  NOOOOO!!!!  I do not want that much rain.  I live where I do not have sidewalks or a garage to drive into.  Sometimes I have to try and tiptoe around mud puddles to make it to the car.  Believe me I use to love the rain but now when you have to deal with the mud it's not so special.
     I have been thrilled.  I received the first two seasons of "Downton Abby" for my b-day.  I swear I am enthralled, I'm so into watching that I don't noticed anything going on around me.  It's exactly the kind of movies I love to watch.  I am enjoying them so much, then to find out Shirley McClaine will be staring in them next season (the 3rd season) that my friend is the icing on the cake.   Tootles

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hot Cup of Tea Anyone ?

 This is just one of the places I love to sit outside.  It's especially wonderful in the summer heat as this is in shade three quarters of the day.  How lovely it is to just sit and dream, think, or plan your day.  I have gone out and even in the chilly weather we have been having.  There is just something about taking a deep breath and feeling it fill you body and soul.  Ah, but alas we cannot stay too long or that chill turns to numbing cold (well, maybe not that! cold) but let's face it, it is still winter even here in N.California.  So maybe we will bring our tea inside.  Speaking of tea, my Jim made me a cup of tea from the "Chew".  Daphane Oz had it.....Any tea brewed, I used Green Tea, a squeeze of lemon, cayenne pepper and honey.  The first swallow grapped my throat but then it was wonderful.  It certainly helps my nagging cough.  Try it !

 Here are two of our Roosters.  Aren't they pretty.  Well enjoy them from the picture because in real life they are awful.  Just ask Rose who is beside them.  I guess from what we have read that is their nature.  These two seem to be twins.  We now have put all of our Roosters in their own area.  They have a place to scratch in the dirt and to get inside but let me put it this way.....They do not play well with others !!
     Just ask Rose !
 Isn't this a pretty pot.  It actually says "Gather Ye Rosebuds.  Believe it or not I got it at the Dollar Store.  I love it.  I think it looks very old and like I found it in the potting shed out back behind the old garage.  You can find treasures when you least expect it.  Must get a plant in it this spring.  Maybe a pretty flower or herb.
Now here is a pretty lady all dressed up and picking flowers.  Isn't she sweet.  I also got her at the Dollar Store.  No, I don't really go there a lot but when I do I always find unique things.  Especially in the spring when you want to fix up your yard.  Have you seen the prices of some of the yard ornaments at the big box stores.  Yikes!  Anyway here is a way to decorate especially a small yard without breaking the bank.  Here's to Spring !  May it hurry and arrive.  Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...