Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Well, I guess you could say I have had a right nice vacation.  It has been some time since I have entered these pages to inform you of something great and grand.  Let's just say, I was away and now I am back.  Hey, I can do that and of course so can you. 

We just enjoyed a luncheon at the Gym.  They had an Appreciation Day for the Seniors.  It was delicious and I did try everything but now wish I had just stayed with the salads, which were very good, and the fruit deserts.  My stomach would have been most happy if I would have done that.  Instead I tried the Barbecue chicken with both sauces.  I got the steak for my husband.  A roll, baked beans and of course almond cookies.  So with this variety you can imagine what my tummy was feeling.  Why, oh why, do we do this to ourselves?  I don't know if it's because it's free or just being around other people and talking and not paying attention to what you are eating. Then to top it off there were two kinds of cake.....Fudge Chocolate cake and  Fruit Bowl cake, which was white cake with whipped cream and fruit.  It was delicious.  The Fudge Chocolate a little too heavy for this time of the year  But I must say all in all we had a very good time and my husband won at playing bingo.  Yea!  He picked 3 months of wellness free.  It's a 30.00  prize so we were happy.

One of the ladies that I have meant at the gym, Kathryn Robinson works at the community radio station.  It's KZFR at 90.1.  It's a great station and I love the variety of programs.  Kathryn subs for the Story Telling.  I got to check her out last week and she is perfect.  Her voices for all the characters is right on.  I'm so glad I was able to catch the show and by chance I have been listening to a number of them.  Hey, that is how we expand our horizon and enjoy new things.  She is just one of the super people I have had the pleasure of meeting at the gym.  How lucky I am.  See I told you to get up out of that chair, turn off the TV and get yourself down to the gym.  I promise, you won't regret it, in fact it will open up a whole new life for you.  Here's to a whole new Life !!   Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...