Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stormy Weather

We are having stormy weather just like in this picture.  I know it's beautiful and we can really use the rain (so they say). I for one am ready for warm sunny weather.  I want to spend a lot of time outside. We have been planting flowers, moving things around and now I want to go out and enjoy it.  I do know it is still early yet after all it's only the last of March.  You know March winds, we have had plenty of winds and now next is suppose to be April Showers.  NOOOO!  Well, I hope we don't have but a few showers in April and not the downpour we have had in March.  More later.   Tootles

Working Hard !

 Exercising every other day. I have a positive  attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God.  Pr...