Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

     Yes, I do know what today is but I do not want to dwell on the sadness.  My heart goes out to all the people who have suffered because of it and blessings for the future.
        Don't you just love those Saturdays you are able to get everything done you were hoping for done.  Well, I have almost that is.  I do still have a deck that is covered in cobwebs and needs sweeping and another little hideaway in my yard that could use some sweeping but Come ON, everything else is done, well not dinner.  I mean I haven't really thought about dinner so I don't have anything going yet for that.  Oh Well, here I thought I was doing so good.  I know I am tired and my back hurts as well as my feet so I must have done something.  Let me think.....what was it?  Oh, I can't remember, but believe me it was really something and I'm pretty sure very hard so I'm glad I did it.   Tootles

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