Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bugs, Flowers and Animals

 Jim took this picture of a Coddling Moth.  Interesting isn't it.  It really blends in with the wood.  We have seen a few butterfly's this year.  There were so many when we were growing up you saw them everywhere.  How lucky we were.  We just didn't know but we sure loved running after them.  The days are so calming with the cloud cover.  I do love the sun but when it is so hot it's just too much.  It's a relief for the eyes not having the glare.  We are taking it easy since Jim was in the Hospital.  On the look out for exercise machines.  Checking craigs list and also checking stores.  We did belong to "In Motion Fitness in Chico but that was a drive 3 times a week even though we truly enjoyed it especially the people and In-
 structors.  The drive was getting to be too much so we stopped.  I have always exercised with Jane Fonda, or Tai Chi, or one of the many DVD's I have for exercising not to mention VHS.  Oh my, now I am dating myself.  I USE to do them every morning like clock work but like I have said before since Jim is home I just can't get into it.  Yes, I have done it some but I'm not consistent and that is what you have to be.  So now I am really looking forward to get this equipment set up and getting started.  I have an exercise mat, a weighted hula hoop, a mini trampoline now so I just need the big girl bike and I am all set.  Will let you know when it's up and running.
How about these flowers.  Aren't they beautiful.  They are from the CSA I belong to.  I snip them off when they start to droop and let them continue to dry in the baskets.  I just love them and I'm amazed how they have kept their color.  Now I can enjoy them for a long time.  I have saved flowers for years.  I just can't see throwing them away.  Once I had a basket about 6 inches deep and it was full of dried flowers.  Oh the smell was wonderful.
You still smell the flower and to me it's a little stronger and it reminds me of my Grandma's house.  I love it.

I have some pictures of my dogs.  Tasha, Edward R. Merle (Eddie), and Bella (also known as Puppers).  They are all spoiled rotten and a big part of the family.  They sure do alert us if anything is approaching our house which I do like but sometimes it's a family member.  You know what I mean.

 Tasha looks so sweet here and she really is.  Not too big, just right.  Eddie is more on guard and seems to want to be in charge but when the others are outside barking at something or some noise Eddie is inside looking out the window, which is an improvement as when we first got him and he heard a noise outside he would get behind Jim's chair and peek out.  Funny uh?  He was running along the highway and would run into a gas station and beg for food from customers.  Almost got hit.  My one Son brought him to our house after trying to find the owner.  Just couldn't let it go hungry or get hit.  We picked up Tasha from Craigs list as she was on her way to the animal shelter.  The owner couldn't keep her so we got her.  And last but not least is Bella. The people that owned her kept her out in the yard well, she is so little she kept getting out of the fence so they kept her in a dog cage all day until they got home from work.  Felt bad about doing that so was looking for another home for her.  Out same
son heard the story and brought her too us.  He did call first and asked if we would take the dog, well, you know how that goes.  Oh yeah, we do have another dog which also belonged to this same son, Olivia.  Livy we call her.  She is getting up there in age will get her picture next time.
I do need to take a better picture of Eddie and Bella.  I know I have them somewhere in my pictures.  Tootles

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