Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rooms , Yours for Free

Must let you in on a good book, I am about half way through right now.  It's on of our free ones, "Rooms", by James L. Rubart.  I'm enjoying it very much and I think you would like it also.  It's not a deep mystery but what it does show you is you can get through life no matter what shows up.  I know I'm being vague but don't want to give anything away, I just want you to read it.  Although I'm not even at the end yet so I might hate it when I'm done.  It just brings up a good point about having faith.  Hey, we all have been there.  Things happen, then they get worse and it effects other areas of your life and the people around you.  Well I'm here to say,   We know we are all on a path, whether it's God, The Great Being, or who ever you have in your life, so maybe it will take some adjusting on our part.  Maybe we never thought about doing it that way or never thought we could.  It's just important to have an open mind and move on.  Today is important, right this moment is important because this is when you are living, right now.  Not last week and not tomorrow.  Last week is over, done, you can't change it. Next week is not here yet and hard to face but you might not be here next week.  Now is the time to love and get the most out of.  Am I right or what ? .........I did not mean to go off so much.  Hey, I was talking about a book and wanted to recommend it to you so get the book and enjoy.
Don't we just love those free books.  I swear I said before......."It's like a present almost everyday and it's not my Birthday or Christmas !   Tootles

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