Monday, January 11, 2010

 I have "The Tree of Life" by Israel Regardie on my Kindle and really enjoy it.  I read it off and on all the time.  That's another reason in favor of the Kindle, you have your books with you all the time.  Let's face it you have different moods for different books.  Well, with the Kindle you have all your books all the time.  I'm even surprised how much I love it.  Sometimes I have a problem with my hands shaking and with no feeling in the ends of my fingers  holding and trying to turn pages is sometimes very difficult.  But I learned to adjust to it as I love to read.  With the Kindle none of that is a problem.  Not only do I not have to worry about the weight of the book (I love thick books, if I'm enjoying the books I never want it to end) but now I can smoothly read through page after page and really be in the story.  It's great and everyday I find something  new to love about my Kindle.  I also bought a light to  pinch on my cover, oh, and of course a cover for it.  Mine is black, I just couldn't make up my mind if I wanted a colored one or what.  I can't say enough good things about my Kindle and I will continue to add more good things.

Our weather had not improved and doesn't look like it will for a couple more days.  We have rain in the forecast for the next two days then Thursday we are to have Sun all day.

 Eleanor, Elviria and Edgar our cats are doing great.  I fix blankets in my windows and they love to lay in them and watch outside.  My husband made the windows with a cupboard under them and and a lid that raises up.  It's great storage.

 Tasha, Olivia Newton John, and our new member Whitney Houston are doing great.  Whitney follows Tasha all over and is even playing with Tasha's toys.  Actually Tasha is a little put out about that but she seems to be warming up to her.  I think she realizes she has a new friend to play with.

Esme and Rosalie the goats are having a good time as Jim enlarged their pen a little so they  have new territory to examine.

The Pigeons are just beautiful.  Love to watch them fly around.

I made a vegetable stew, sort of.  I just cook, onion, garlic, carrots, celery until starting to get soft then add a can of any beans.  Today it was red or kidney beans.  Salt and pepper add a dash of soy sauce and it's ready.  I also made brown rice and we are having mashed sweet potatoes.  We will have this with vegetable crackers or french bread.  Tootles

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