We had a mishap at the gym the other day. A gentleman was in the shower and apparently had a heart attack. Just so happen in the next shower was a paramedic who heard him fall. He was able to work on him until the ambulance arrived which saved his life. Our prayers go out to him and his family. Then one of our members in our swim class had fallen at home and broke her hip. From what I understand it was a small break maybe even a fracture. She is in the hospital and will be transfered to the rehabilitation center in the next day or two. She is 89 and always has a smile on her face. She is missed and I'm sure she will be back soon.

More pictures of my yard. Are you able to see Tasha, my dog on the porch. She is a very sweet dog and I love her to pieces. Then as you can see I have an Angel
Our week is almost over, my, how time flies. I know we say it all the time but it's true it does go way too fast. I guess because we have experienced life a little longer we do notice these things. I remember when I had 3 little ones under 5 and I thought I would never get away from diapers or bottles. Now I realize that time was so short and I know I did not enjoy that time as much as I should have. Oh, the voice of regret, how it appears out of no where and shadows you for a time until you have to shake it off and tell yourself if you knew then what you know now, you know you would enjoy every second. Then you must go on and forgive yourself your many faults and pray there won't be any major regrets in your future. Hang in there ! Life has so many wonderful blessings and I'm proud to say I have many in my life. Good Health, Healthy Food. Tootles
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