Okay, so it isn't that bad. I mean I get to go to the gym and see all my new friends. We had a great time today, just working real hard and having fun. We are all still worried about Edie and Barbara. Edie is in the therapy center at the hospital. So she is getting in on swimming. We just miss her. I don't know if I told you, but she is 89, a tiny lady with white hair and wears blue sunglasses in the pool. I told her she really looked cool. Then there is Barbara, what an interesting lady to talk to. Her love for sports is impressive. She followed the soccer games faithfully and really enjoyed them, then watched and cheered for the, Tour de France, bike race. She just really enjoys sports. I think they feel she is having panic attacks. I believe It really hit her hard when Edie fell and fractured her hip. I do know she is afraid she will fall, as we all are really but you can't live your life that way. Don't get me wrong I don't take chances. I try to always watch where I am going for that pebble, bump, foot sticking out, hose or cord across the walk. In fact just last spring I was at a small shopping mall with my family. We had just come out of Subway, where we had had a delicious sandwich and was walking to the car. Jim had stepped into a store and I was heading to the car with the rest of my family. The curb was only about 2 to 3 inches and I took my Granddaughters elbow to step down, well low and behold, I don't know what happen but the parking lot was coming up to my face in a second. It's so startling and you feel so foolish, I mean come on, 2 to 3 inches. Somehow, I think my foot got twisted and down I went. Although you never feel like your falling, you always feel the earth is coming up to you. Funny how that works. You see, I'm recovering from
Guillain Barre Syndrome
or GBS. Andy Griffith had it and if you remember the author Joseph Heller (he wrote Catch 22, along with other books). He also wrote,
"No Laughing Matter
," which is about his ordeal with GBS and how he and his good friend got through it. I have had it three times and recovered the first and second time completely but with the third time it's been a lot harder. The last time I had it was 1996 and I have recovered almost completely all but my legs and feet. Mostly it's my feet which are still numb and sometimes tingley. Like I said I just have to know where my feet are and where they land. Ha! Enough about that I got too much going on to even think about any of that. That is why I love this class in the water. Some people have had strokes, surgery, broken bones, been in car accidents, or like me recovering from GBS. Once we are in the water everyone is the same. We can water walk, which is wonderful and can really give you a good workout or use all the equipment they have for us, and really give yourself a heavy workout. It's great, I love it. I'm just so grateful I found this place.
We have drained our pool and are cleaning it out. That is Jim is, as we speak. I know the water will be very cold at first but it is August so we will most likely have some 100 degree days, probably many and if that happens, well, it won't take no time for it to warm up. I don't mind it a little cold when you first get in because that is refreshing.
I've been shopping around for some exercise clothes. Have you seen the prices of some of this stuff. As I have told you we are on a fixed income and it's not very much. That is why we joined the gym. We have met some great people, we get out of the house, are doing exercise so getting healthy, and swimming which is the treat after the workout. Hey, to some people it's a fast hour in the morning before work to us it's the whole morning and sometimes includes breakfast or lunch. Vacations, forget about it, we ARE on vacation. Anyway to get back to what I was saying I decided to go to the thrift stores and check out what they had. Truth be told I can get better quality at a much lower price there. I mean some of the brands I found I know are top of the line. The great thing is I can spend very little, in fact while we were in the store he announced all the clothing was 99 cents for the rest of that day. I guess they come up with different sales daily. So if you have a thrift store in your neighborhood or you know where one is check it out. You just might be surprised especially if you are looking for jeans or levi's what a bargain they are. I even picked up a purse that I just love for 3.oo. Tootles