We tried to get the
at Best Buy, they did have some but alas not the one we wanted. The guy there was very helpful and showed us some on the internet at the store but we realized where we were looking on line they were a lot cheaper. So we thanked him very much and left the store. It cost $58. I believe and is on the way. You know how that goes. It could be here tomorrow or in two weeks so I just have to sit back and wait. I will let you know how it works for us when we get it up and going. Jim has already put the pole up and it will extend up another 10 feet once he puts it on the end. We still are getting several channels just with our rabbit ears inside. The guy from Best Buy was shocked that we even got any so he said we shouldn't have any trouble receiving more with an outside antenna.
Yes, Jim is getting closer and closer to the Kitty. I tell you he really puts on a show in the morning. Jim and I go out in front and have our coffee in the morning, here is Kitty sitting on top of a trailer that has a tarp over it (it's full of garbage from the yard and needs to go to the dump but we won't talk about that right now). Now keep in mind the
is black and the tarp is medium blue, she shows up real plain ( I say she but we really don't know yet if it's a girl or a boy. It does come out and greet Jim then scampers back in it's hiding place. What's really cute is when it gets up on it's hind legs and prances forward with his front legs up in the air. What a show we get to watch. I know Bella ( most of the time we call her puppers) our black little dog would love to play with it. Maybe, we'll see, hopefully soon.
Did I mention Jim has won a night at the Hotel Diamond in Chico and dinner at Johnny's, which is located in the Hotel. Well......we are going Aug. the 4th. I am very excited about it. First, of course, we will go to the gym as the 4th is on a wed. then we will probably just walk around down town Chico as that is where the Hotel is. Chico really does have some nice stores and they have really tried to keep there downtown going. It's not easy in these times but they do have a beautiful park right across the street so we plan on doing some walking. It will just be fun to try something different. I will tell you all about it. I'll try and take pictures.
I spent about 3 hours on line this morning looking for a
bathing suit.
I got so frustrated I wanted to cry, scream, yell or something. You see I have been looking for a new suit as the one I bought about a month and half ago is really showing signs of wear (I am not Kidding) I couldn't believe it. Well I have wasted enough time and the suit will be falling off of me shortly and believe me we do not want that. So I finally threw my hands up in the air and said we are going to town and I can't come back home without one. The only place that had durable suits (yea right, look how long mine lasted) is Big Five. I already tried JCPenney's and that was a joke as all your other regular stores would be so back to Big Five I went. Thank God they were again on sale but I learned something that I hope will help...........Before you wear your suit you soak it in 1 Tablespoon of vinegar in 1 quart of water for 30 min. (I am doing that right now). Then before you go in the pool you are to get under the shower and get it wet, it's suppose to stop it from soaking up so much chlorine and last but not least rinse the suit in cool water after you take it off. You can even use a gentle soap and then rinse it. Roll it up in a towel (do not use the ringers in the locker room, I always did as I thought that was a good thing, so much for what I know). When you get home lay it over a chair on a towel to dry, do not hang in sun. My Word, can you believe all that ! Believe me I will do all of that but I just wonder how my suits lasted all summer when I was in Junior High. Let me tell you it was one suit a summer, period.
I've been reading some of the older published books that we get for free. What a kick they are. Some of them were written 1850 to 1870. They really had a different way of telling a story. Then I switched and now am reading "The Goddess of Fried Okra," by Jean Brashear. Check it out, it's funny. I keep thinking what the readers in 1850 would think of the writing style now. It does give you pause. Tootles
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