Good Afternoon. Our weather here this week-end is cool, breezy and hard to believe. I mean this is August and usually here in N.CA. we are suffering in the triple digits. This week-end we are having, today 85' and tomorrow 87'. What is up with that ? We are enjoying every minute of it let me tell you as Monday we are suppose to be back to 100'. I swear it is just crazy. When I first moved here with my parents in the early 60's everyone kept telling Mom the weather was so unusual. I'm not kidding, no matter what the weather was that was their comment.
I've been organizing and reorganizing my books on the
. I get it one way and realize I want it another way. Do you have that problem especially with the free books we get ? I'm getting so many and really I feel a little greedy. I mean I can't believe all the books they are offering for free. Some of them I really have enjoyed very much and they are free. I don't even have to pay for the gas to go get them. It's a little astounding. Sometimes I feel it has taken something away, like the anticipation of waiting for that book. It's the same way with movies now. I mean with netflix you can get the movie instantly. Where is the excitement of waiting for that day. I know we do have official opening dates but how long is that going to last. Will it be a movie is released and everyone has access to it from their
? Will we alway have theaters or are they going away also. I don't know what to say maybe it's my age and we were taught that you had to earn the right. Like, I had to clean my room, the living room and vacuum then I got my allowance. Then I could walk downtown meet my friends and go to the show. Do the kids of today have chores to do ? Most of them are texting on their phones all the time or at their computer. It's sad to me because they will never experience anticipation. It's a wonderful experience as you feel excitement, a warm feeling, you have a smile on your face and you are in a good mood because something special is going to happen and you can hardly wait.
I guess I am showing my age but I do realize this younger generation has no patience they want everything now, instantly. I just feel we have lost so much but it's probably just me. Tootles