Happenings from daily living in the country. What we do, what we see. Sometimes interesting, sometimes funny and sometimes sad but join me and I will share.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Good Morning
I'm still reading the chakra books and hoping for everything to go away. I'm really beating my self up thinking I have brought this on myself. I don't mean I wanted to have GBS and wished for it. What I mean is the way I have reacted to circumstances in my life and this is what my body answered. That is somewhat upsetting. On one hand I'm excited to learn about my body and the chakras but on the other hand because it's not getting better I'm discouraged.
The picture above is kinda how I feel. In a whirlwind of emotions, not really having any direction or plan of attack. I've been dropped in the middle of a storm and can't see the end or how to take cover. I'm the kind of person who needs a plan. I'm looking for the directions, the remedy, the how to, the here's what you do next. But I'm not finding anything. That is, anything to begin with, or start here. I am getting a lot of information and I'm very happy about that but I can't seem to find where I'm at. I don't know if I'm lost or found. I just want some answers. Everything seems so vague. I keep trying different things but nothing has really made a difference.
It's funny three months after leaving the hospital my family took me to Disneyland here in CA ( the best and only Disneyland). I was feeling great. Everyday there was some kind of improvement. I would say this syndrome has the best recovery ever. It was because the improvements were everyday. It was almost a joy to wake up everyday because I knew I would be improving somewhere on my body. You couldn't help but feel joy and happiness. BUT and this is a big BUT... about 3 weeks or so after we got back from Disneyland something changed. My body felt different. I was no longer improving. Forget about the daily joy of recovery. It was all mixed up. My body felt like someone had smeared a potion over me to stop all improvement and go in a different direction. My eyes were giving me problems and the worst thing of all I had completely lost my balance. I'm not kidding, I had no balance in anyway shape or form. The bottom of my feet felt like I was walking on foam and not in a good way. My balance had and is still gone. It took an Elvis and left the building. If I'm standing up right now and look up to the ceiling you can bet I will topple over unless I am hanging on to some thing. I want no toppling of any kind. I really do not want to think about MS. In the hospital they did say NO to that. So that is what I am sticking with. I will get over this. I will start improving. I want that daily recovery. I want the wonderful feeling knowing things are improving and I can get back.
It's really awful being like this. Having to depend on others for a lot of things. Believe me I feel so bad having to ask for little things. There is so much I want to do here at the house. My screened in porch is thick with dust. There is no way anyone would sit out there now. There is a place outside the porch that has become a catchall for trash. I mean it's awful and embarrassing. The other outside area's are a mess also. A broom would make a big difference along with a lot of wet rags. The yard if full of leaves, chicken feathers, odds and ends of trash and sticks. It needs raking so bad. THIS is all the jobs I would be doing. I should be out there making everything look neat and homey. We don't have fancy things nor do I want fancy but what we do have we need to keep neat and clean in order for it too look good. Right now it looks trashy. I can''t expect My Jim to do all of that. That would not be fair. Believe me he has plenty to do and in a few weeks he will be working in the rice. That means everyday until the rice is in. We are talking 3 to 4 weeks. It is necessary. Being on a fixed income this extra money really helps. This year we need a new roof before winter. So that is what we are aiming for. I got a little carried away here but do feel better. Tootles
Our Day Trip
We do love our day trips and Wine Country is beautiful.
This rabbit is at Hall Winery. Reaching for the stars.

This little Drive In is "Gott's". They have the best hamburgers, garlic fries and the shakes are to die for.
What a fun day. That's My Jim ordering our lunch at the window. There are tables in front with umbrellas and also in back. We had a lovely day driving through Wine County, looking around St. Helena, our stop for lunch at Gotts and our pleasant ride home.
This rabbit is at Hall Winery. Reaching for the stars.
This little Drive In is "Gott's". They have the best hamburgers, garlic fries and the shakes are to die for.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Getting in Balance
I've been doing a lot of reading. In fact I pulled some books off my own shelves. " The Creation of Health," by Caroline Myss. PH.D. and " Using Your Chakras, " by Ruth White.
What I have been reading is very interesting. From what I understand our own emotions (although I believe it's much more then that) have a way of shutting certain parts of our body down. That is where the Chakras come in play. You know I have always been interested in the Chakras. I've bought books about them but always felt a little confused. Not really understanding just what they were about. I did have a book by Deepok Chopra, who explained a lot (for the life of me cannot find it now). I do believe we, ourselves have the capability to heal ourselves and keep our body and spirit happy and healthy. It's really fascinating to discover the magic within our own bodies. I plan on really getting into this subject and learning as much as I can about it and of course, I will pass along anything and everything I find interesting or helpful.
Wanted to share with you a paragraph from Ruth White's book, "Using your Chakras"...
Each of the first five chakras is associated with a sense, which also connects with the element, as we have seen. The root is linked to smell; the sacral to taste; the solar plexus to sight; the heart to touch; the throat to hearing. Now that is some fascinating information.
I am going to leave you with this bit of reason. Who can't relate ?
I love chocolate. So think about chocolate and the creamy sweetness as it savors on your tongue and I will be back with more interesting thoughts for us to think about Tootles
What I have been reading is very interesting. From what I understand our own emotions (although I believe it's much more then that) have a way of shutting certain parts of our body down. That is where the Chakras come in play. You know I have always been interested in the Chakras. I've bought books about them but always felt a little confused. Not really understanding just what they were about. I did have a book by Deepok Chopra, who explained a lot (for the life of me cannot find it now). I do believe we, ourselves have the capability to heal ourselves and keep our body and spirit happy and healthy. It's really fascinating to discover the magic within our own bodies. I plan on really getting into this subject and learning as much as I can about it and of course, I will pass along anything and everything I find interesting or helpful.
Wanted to share with you a paragraph from Ruth White's book, "Using your Chakras"...
Each of the first five chakras is associated with a sense, which also connects with the element, as we have seen. The root is linked to smell; the sacral to taste; the solar plexus to sight; the heart to touch; the throat to hearing. Now that is some fascinating information.
I am going to leave you with this bit of reason. Who can't relate ?
I love chocolate. So think about chocolate and the creamy sweetness as it savors on your tongue and I will be back with more interesting thoughts for us to think about Tootles
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Jackson's Blanket
Out my Window
As you can see My Jim, feeds our kitties on the table.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
All Set to crochet
I received my order from Amazon. New hooks, spacers to mark the rows, the large needles and a adorable pouch to put them in. Oh, can not forget the yarn. Blue and the trim is silver (not pictured). I will be getting started. So Excited ! The pattern is on the bottom. I have several items to make but I do have until the middle of November. Tootles
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Pretty Sporty
I wanted to put a better picture of my new wheels. It really is very helpful in order for me to get around.
I have been looking up info. on MS and don't know for sure what is going on. I do have some of those symptoms but I guess I am not really ready to go there. The last thing I want to do is go back to the Dr.. So let's just see what I can do myself. Hey, let's face it I can do a lot on my own and that is what I intend to do. So, no, I have not started the exercise program yet. I know, I know that is what I need to do and I will. I just wanted to write a little first. I am very excited and happy to be doing this blog. It's funny I have been writing this blog for several years. I have never had anyone follow it. Some of the problem is I am not consistent and i tend to jump around. Now I am going to be adding something everyday. I would like to connect with people who have GBS, MS or the many syndromes out there. It's an autoimmune problem. But I'm here to be positive and share what I am doing about it. Thank God I do have this blog. Tootles
Monday, August 14, 2017
New wheels
To be honest I'm a little scared but do not want to be negative so I'm keeping a positive spin on it. I am getting around better with my little cart. As long as I have something to put my hand on while I am walking I do fine. Balance seems to be a major problem for me and I must do exercising everyday. Which I have to admit I am not doing. That has to change as I do want to do everything I can to speed my recovery along. I am able to get around in my house by myself. The walker with wheels (in picture) helps me in the open spaces. Now, I can load up my cart with a cup of coffee or glass of ice water and put a plate of food on the seat and I am in business. I am able to cook and make things in the kitchen. I am the clean up girl (I'm 69, but like to call myself girl, it makes me smile). By that I mean I unload the dishwasher and load it. Keep counters, stove top, table clean and wiped off. It makes me feel good to be in my kitchen. It's always been a happy place and don't want that to change. I plan on writing about what I have been doing in my life and how I am coping with recovering from Guillian Barre Syndrome.
I have ordered a new set of crochet hooks. You see my oldest Granddaughter is expecting her second baby. They say it's going to be a boy. He's due in November. She ask me if I would make the baby, who by the was is going to be named, " Jackson Noel". Well, I ask you, what could I say but Yes.
I ordered a new set that are ergonomic. Which should work just fine. I will take a picture of hooks and my progress as I go along. Talk to you soon, Tootles
Let us get started
Here we go. I have changed the theme of my blog as I could not get into it to blog stuff. I am learning but do wish I could take a course about being on my blog and how to work with it. I am planning on redoing everything. I think I am not consistent enough and I need to decide what to do with it. Maybe I need to have different information each day of the week. I don't know for sure but right now I am going to do some research and see what I come up with. I really want to do this so wish me luck. Tootles
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Working Hard !
Exercising every other day. I have a positive attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God. Pr...
These are just some of what I took. I tell you I could just ride around for hours just looking at all the houses. The whole feeling of be...
I have two blankets going and the patterns are a little different. The little head and ear is Bella, my sweet puppy. I'm going to work ...