Then I became a teenager. Well let's not go into that.

This is your day and I miss you very much. I wish I could spend the day with you. Remember when we learned how to crochet and knit ? We had such fun. I miss your cooking. No one can make fried chicken, homemade noodles, and any kind of pie. You always made Holidays special. You were the one who brought everyone together.
Even though you are gone you are always with me. You are by my side and I feel your love and protection. How lucky I am for having you Mom. What a lucky man Dad was. Thank you Mom, for making our lives very special. I talk about you to my Children, your Grandchildren and my Grandchildren, who are your Great Grandchildren and my Great Grandchildren, who are your Great, Great Grand Children all the time especially the ones who never got to meet you. Oh, but I know you are here and loving all of them.
You had it right Mom.
For one who bears the sweetest name,
Who adds a luster to the same.
Who shares my joys,
Who cheers when sad.
The Greatest friend I ever had.
Long life to her for there's no other.
Who can take the place of my dear Mother.
Miss you Mom.