A very warm Good Morning to all of you in snow country. Stay in and stay warm! Easy for me to say I know. We are having a bit of a cold spell here also in Magic City. I do not like it at all and want the sun back.
Well, Kindle Nation Daily did it again !!! Free today... Not one, not two, not five but eight free books today. Eight, count them 12345678. I am so thrilled and they couldn't have come at a better time as they are all about, fitness, exercise, diet, healthy food, Giving Thanks and all about your body and taking care of it. Now I ask you what better time, right after the Holidays when everyone has ate a little too much and drank a little too much and we are trying to get back to normal. Well, what ever normal is we are trying to find it. Thank you, Thank you, Steve.
Our new comer to our family Whitney Houston is doing fine. In fact she is sitting beside me in the chair snuggled up. Hey, I told you it's cold. I wasn't kidding.
Would you like a fast cookie recipe.... My husband found it on the internet. It's a peanut butter cookie made with no flour. O.K. I know what you are thinking. I just told you about the free books on diet, exercise and fitness and now I'm giving you a cookie recipe. You measure 1 cup peanut butter (smooth or chunky) 1 cup sugar and 1 egg. Mix well. Drop by spoonful on cookie sheet, bake 8 to 10 min at 350'. They are great especially after that work out and long walk. Ha ! Ha ! Just kidding. I didn't say you had to eat them you could make them for company.
My favorite easy snack for the evening is sugared popcorn. Hey, I got it out of a Weight Watchers recipe book and yes it was in the cheers section. This calls for simple popcorn you buy in a bag or jar. Not for the microwave nor is it in its own pan (jiffy pop). Pour in 1/2 cup of popcorn in a sauce pan that has 1 tablespoon of oil heating. Just before it starts to pop (you'll be able to hear the sizzling sound) take a 1/2 cup of sugar (less or more it's up to how sweet you want it) and sprinkle over kernals in hot pan replace lid and continue to shake. You must keep shaking until the popping stops or it will burn. Very good snack.
What can I say... Diet, exercise, fitness books and snacks. Now what more could you ask for? Tootles