Are you able to make out my two cats? They think I put the chairs there just for them, after all they just fit. Ha! See how good my hydrangea is doing,
how I do love this plant. Trying to find everything I have that is white and adding it to my little porch. It's always in the shade and I love it. There is a large walnut tree opposite the chairs and they are yummy. This year the tree is full of walnuts so we should get a good crop.

Hey, I have been tuning into a unique radio station. I think I have talked about it before as my friend, Kathryn substitutes in StoryTime, Tues. at 7:00. (Kathryn should have the job as she is so good). Anyone may have their own show, I'm sure they have to get approval by soneone but from what I understand it's generally a go. I have listened to fabulous jazz, and I'm not really a jazz fan, but this I really like. There have been American Indian songs, Hmong songs as well as storytime. If you want the real news, not the scripted movie star version, this is the place you should be. You get the real story. I haven't even listened to everything yet but I plan on it. The address is try it. Tootles
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