She has been with me for a long time. I love to dress her up in different costumes. I once had her dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Then of course I took two sticks painted them red and white strips added some old shoes, that I had painted bright red with glitter on them, stuck them on the end of the sticks put them half under some shrubs in my yard and WaaLaa! The Witch of the West or was it East, I can't remember but you get the picture. I really have fun just putting her everywhere. My kids think I'm a little crazy but I think it's fun. Wish I had several more. I'm always looking.
Hey, I'm excited about going to the gym tomorrow, not only for the exercise and the swim class but we (seniors) are having a cooking class. It seems a chef , I believe from Chico, is going to show us healthy cooking. I believe he is going to demonstrate how to and what ingredients. I don't think we are going to do anything other then try out what he makes. (I think). It should be interesting and different. I'm all for trying new things.
I've been swimming off and on today. Taking advantage of our pool. It sure cools you off fast and I get in some of my exercises.
We watched the movie
"Gran Torino", with Clint Eastwood.
I know, I know it has a lot of bad language and racial slurs but and that is a big but, the movie itself has such a good lesson. Especially about American family life today, what with cell phones, texting, and the disconnection with each other even in the same room. Somewhere along the line respect and manners have lost there way. It also shows you to have a more open mind, what you assume isn't always what really is going on. I have to say I liked the Movie very much even with the language and such as that was the only way to tell the story. If you haven't seen it, Do so. I think it's something we all should see. Tootles
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