When I first started thinking about doing this, selling that is, I was totally against it. I mean, I am a book lover and over the years, almost 50. I gathered a lot but what I realized was I had books that didn't really have a place in my heart and soul. Those books I had a ton of. So that is what I did. I started several years ago. Well actually I gave a bunch away.
For reasons I will not get into now (another day) I gave about 500 books to Salvation Army. And yes, there were some of the books I wish I had not given away. But I keep telling myself it is for the good. I emptied a lot of shelves. In fact most of them were stacked around the house because I didn't have room on a shelf. What I regret is I gave away Cook Books. But again I'm just hoping someone out there is cooking up a storm from my old book. Now, that would make me happy. To be honest, I do not regret any of the other books. I swear I had every kind of diet book known to man. No regrets there.
Then I found out from exploring Amazon I could have sold them. It's not that I want to get rich, like that is going to happen. I just want to share my books and get some shelf space. But there are some books I will never part with. You know the books that when you look up at your shelves and you see a spine with Title and Author and WOW, it brings back a load of memories. I love that. I will do that and immediately I am in a different place, people around me feel so real and the smells, it is just WOW. That's all I can say.
So to get back to the stacks of books, that is what I am going to do. I always have fun doing that and when I sell a book it's always exciting to know someone will be happy to get their mail. Tootles
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