This is when Jim and I went to Chico with our son Ryan, his wife Crystal and Ryan Jr. and Riley. Look at that rainbow. It was so striking and thanks to Ryan for seeing it and we both just started taking pictures. Crystal was doing Christmas shopping so we were going to all kinds of stores and I do love to shop downtown Chico. It's such a pretty town and then to top it off with this beautiful rainbow, Wow. We had just parked as we were going to the ice cream shop then Starbucks for the ride home.
Look at what Jim found on Craigslist It was in our town and free. So we didn't need to go far and use gas. It's very interesting to me as there is no lid for the keys and with the mirror on top, I had never seen that. It's from a school or church. The mirror the teacher could see the choir, made sense. No lid for the keys saved a lot of fingers, Im sure. The piano bench I had had from many years ago and was in my Granddaughters bedroom. They remembered it I did not so she brought it our and needed some sprucing up so sanded the lid then gave it the olive oil rub and it looks like a new one. Jim painted the legs along with the bottom of the bench so glad to have it back. But I am still looking for a stool the swivels around. I think they are hard to find and a little expensive but hey, you can't blame a girl for looking and I just might find one in my price range. You never know. Tootles
Happenings from daily living in the country. What we do, what we see. Sometimes interesting, sometimes funny and sometimes sad but join me and I will share.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Bright and Pretty !
We have been redoing my galley kitchen and making things brighter. Mainly cleaning, cleaning and cleaning. Oh, how it takes so much time and energy. Those are the days I wish I was at the very least 20 years younger. I have found what I use to do in a day I now stretch it over 2 or 3 days. Sometimes more. What's nice now is I don't have kids at home needing dinner at a certain time or what ever. I'm the only one inconvenienced. Which is alright with me. Hey, I simple go in the living room put my feet up and relax. I know I will get to it as soon as I can and if I don't today there is always tomorrow.
These bowls I found at a thrift store. The top one is plastic, the rest are all glass. They are just so pretty and I do try to only by the ones that are made in USA.
Thought I would share a little of my book shelves. I do love to read and I do love to read on my Kindle also. At night or on the go it's so convenient to use. I'm thinking about getting another Kindle Fire. I had one and used it all the time, well, the battery stopped charging. Crazy uh! So I got a PaperWhite Kindle as a gift and do really enjoy it. It works really well. Just need some of the extra things that the Fire offers.
These are some of the Authors I really enjoy. They are good Reads and just a good story. I enjoy interesting characters. People who have made a difference in their own life and maybe helped someone else make different choices in their lives. I especially like stories about older women. Maybe I should say more experienced Women. Those of us who have realized what we wanted in our younger days is so not what we want today. Life is so much fuller then I realized. It's true life is what you make it to be. I'm making mine as interesting and exciting as I can. Tootles
These bowls I found at a thrift store. The top one is plastic, the rest are all glass. They are just so pretty and I do try to only by the ones that are made in USA.
Thought I would share a little of my book shelves. I do love to read and I do love to read on my Kindle also. At night or on the go it's so convenient to use. I'm thinking about getting another Kindle Fire. I had one and used it all the time, well, the battery stopped charging. Crazy uh! So I got a PaperWhite Kindle as a gift and do really enjoy it. It works really well. Just need some of the extra things that the Fire offers.
These are some of the Authors I really enjoy. They are good Reads and just a good story. I enjoy interesting characters. People who have made a difference in their own life and maybe helped someone else make different choices in their lives. I especially like stories about older women. Maybe I should say more experienced Women. Those of us who have realized what we wanted in our younger days is so not what we want today. Life is so much fuller then I realized. It's true life is what you make it to be. I'm making mine as interesting and exciting as I can. Tootles
Thursday, October 2, 2014
My beautiful Rocker !
Just had to show you what I found at the Thrift store.
Isn't this a beautiful chair. I was walking around looking at the different furniture and Boom ! There it was right in front of me. It's like it was magic ! It just appeared. Like it wasn't there and I came along and there it was. I sat right down and started rocking with a big grin on my face. I think it's beautiful and very comfortable. I started looking around for Jim and once I caught his eye, I just pointed down at the chair. He came over and all I had to say was, "Oh Yeah". I am really lucky that way. If he knows I really want something he picks it up and pulls out his wallet. No arguing. Well, that is just what he did. He pick up the chair and headed for the check out while he was pulling out his wallet. Wow ! What a find. I love it and it looks great in my living room. Tootles
Isn't this a beautiful chair. I was walking around looking at the different furniture and Boom ! There it was right in front of me. It's like it was magic ! It just appeared. Like it wasn't there and I came along and there it was. I sat right down and started rocking with a big grin on my face. I think it's beautiful and very comfortable. I started looking around for Jim and once I caught his eye, I just pointed down at the chair. He came over and all I had to say was, "Oh Yeah". I am really lucky that way. If he knows I really want something he picks it up and pulls out his wallet. No arguing. Well, that is just what he did. He pick up the chair and headed for the check out while he was pulling out his wallet. Wow ! What a find. I love it and it looks great in my living room. Tootles
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Pictures of my yard and Rainbow !
The tree's in front are 4 Weeping Willows. My Jim has been planting them all over our yard and given them to all our kids. They are beautiful and talk about shade. You can't even see the swing, jungle gym, in the yard. We do love our hideaway.
Hello Everyone ! The top fence my daughter made for us. We had it in our Houseboat. I really enjoyed floating around Oroville Lake in it. We sold it several years ago and took most of the decorations out. Had to my Daughter, Lori did all the decorating. This is just one of the pieces that was in it. Hopefully we will be able to find another Houseboat, Yukon Delta.
The fence above is in my back yard. We got it from my Daughter-in-laws Father. They were moving to a new house and didn't want to leave
it behind but didn't really have a place for it
so gave it to us. We were thrilled. Those are
Poplar trees, my Jim planted behind it. Now
the next picture is when we were in Chico downtown. The rainbow is over the downtown park.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Glorious Mother Nature !
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful side show. All we have to do is look up or look out the window, whether a car or home. You know even when you seem so sad and alone you can look out and it will change your mood. I am spiritual and I suppose that is the way our Angels help us. If we can stop focusing on ourselves and what problems we think we have, life will be so wonderful. You know one of my favorite movies, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, has a saying in it...."Everything will turn out alright in the end and if it's not alright then it's not the end" Oh how I love that. It gives you such hope because after all you never know what is around the corner. It's really wonderful how life can change. How one day you seems to be at the end of your rope but then the next day something changes and all of a sudden the world has open up for you and you are off to the races again. Oh, how much I love life when the wonders of Magic peek into your life and a twinkle here and a twinkle there. You do feel the change though maybe not at that exact moment but something has passed over you and that's when you know you are being cared for and most precious of all, loved. So that is my take on today. I do have hope and know my future will be alright in the end and if it's not alright then it is not the end. Tootles
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Manners !
Do you ever just feel you are way out in left field and there is no game going on ! Sometimes it hits you that the world you are familiar with no longer exists. Believe me I am all for progress, we have to keep moving forward but come on, sometimes it's just to fast, too soon. I do think manners have gone out the window. And what some people are posting on facebook, with their names attached is shocking. It's funny, they think we aren't brave enough to do or say some of these things. That's not it at all. We know you can do, say, experiment, guess, try all sorts of things. We just chose not to. Maybe some of us realize the consequences. I probably should not have said shocking. Maybe that is a strong word. If you could take a minute and think before you post, like how would my son, or daughter feel about this or my boss or my neighbor. Don't get me wrong there are somethings we do have to stick up for and I am all for that but if it's some silly story that you know would make someone you know uncomfortable, don't. If you are doing it for attention, don't. Our world sometimes seems very cruel and heartless so maybe we need the beautiful stories that warm our heart. Tootles
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
My Beautiful Dusty Cottage !
Thought you might like to see some pictures of my little cottage. That is our screened in porch where we have our coffee in the morning. It's always so cool and we watch the Humming Birds come feasting along with bigger birds that enjoy our bird bath (not in the picture). The picture with the Duck head is inside of course. I have used very bright colors. You just smile when you walk in. The one below is so pretty. It's the walkway beside the house just as you come through our gate. You either turn right and walk between the fences or go straight ahead and up on our porch and come on in. Your always welcome ! Cut of Tea Anyone ? Tootles
Angels in the Sky and Exercise !
Can you believe this is a real picture of the sky. Talk about seeing Angels. I bet I took 50 photos. They kept moving around and oh how beautiful each one was. I keep going over and over them and each time I find a different Angel. Hey, I was using my phone to look at the Heavenly creation not staring with my head down looking at it. I know I'm of the older generation and can appreciate what's in the sky. Of course I was young once too and other things did distract me but now I don't want to miss a thing. We just get to involved in things that don't really matter and waste a lot of time.
I went to the Gym to meet with my trainer, boy oh boy, what a workout. I'm telling you I am still sore. I do go Tuesday through Saturday in the morning. One day is weights and the next day is cardo. I do love it but I am so sore. Of course on the day I meet with my trainer I do what she has worked out and let me tell you It's tough. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining this is something I really want. It's very important I get my body in the best shape it can be especially my legs. I do see some improvement, like my arms. They are looking better, but still need some work. I just want to see it all right away. But the body is a lot older and I have a lot to improve.
Wanted to also add I love my Mac Air Magic. There is nothing like an Apple. It just works well. I'm learning more and more everyday. I have wanted this for a long time and now that I have it, I am so happy ! I'm doing so much more on my blog.
Wanted to comment on the picture, I swear It looks like it is moving. I will glance at it as I am writing and it looks like it is moving. Cool uh ! Tootles
I went to the Gym to meet with my trainer, boy oh boy, what a workout. I'm telling you I am still sore. I do go Tuesday through Saturday in the morning. One day is weights and the next day is cardo. I do love it but I am so sore. Of course on the day I meet with my trainer I do what she has worked out and let me tell you It's tough. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining this is something I really want. It's very important I get my body in the best shape it can be especially my legs. I do see some improvement, like my arms. They are looking better, but still need some work. I just want to see it all right away. But the body is a lot older and I have a lot to improve.
Wanted to also add I love my Mac Air Magic. There is nothing like an Apple. It just works well. I'm learning more and more everyday. I have wanted this for a long time and now that I have it, I am so happy ! I'm doing so much more on my blog.
Wanted to comment on the picture, I swear It looks like it is moving. I will glance at it as I am writing and it looks like it is moving. Cool uh ! Tootles
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Mac Air, Magic !
I did it ! I did it ! How about that I figured out how to get the photos on my blog. You see a little part of me but mostly you see the books, really just a small part of my books.
This is a happy day and it's my Granddaughter, Kyra's B-day. She is 14 and loving life.
I have to say I love working on this computer. Or I should say lap top, It's a MacBook Air. I got the 13". It just fit me better. Sometimes I don't want something real small. It's one of those things I have been pondering for a long time. I checked out the Ipad, the mini Ipad, and the 11" MacBook Air. Believe me I have been thinking about this a long time and while I was at the Apple Store I knew I wanted this one. I had even bought one of those lap pads. It's like a little desk on your lap, anyway It is just perfect. So am I happy or not. I think you know the answer to that. Happy, Happy Happy !! Tootles
This is a happy day and it's my Granddaughter, Kyra's B-day. She is 14 and loving life.
I have to say I love working on this computer. Or I should say lap top, It's a MacBook Air. I got the 13". It just fit me better. Sometimes I don't want something real small. It's one of those things I have been pondering for a long time. I checked out the Ipad, the mini Ipad, and the 11" MacBook Air. Believe me I have been thinking about this a long time and while I was at the Apple Store I knew I wanted this one. I had even bought one of those lap pads. It's like a little desk on your lap, anyway It is just perfect. So am I happy or not. I think you know the answer to that. Happy, Happy Happy !! Tootles
Monday, August 18, 2014
Still Learning
I still have not figured out how to get to my pictures for my blog. I will keep trying. It's good to try new things. I am loving figuring all this out even though I get so frustrated I want to throw it out the window, I don't because it cost too much. Ha Hey, I figure I have all the time in the world so just calm down and move on to something else for awhile. I do realize you must remember all your passwords. This is very true. And do I ? Well, I'm working on it. I have them written down in a safe place so that I can look them up when I need to. We do make our days difficult but that's good for us. We don't want everything simple. Otherwise we would not learn and keep out mind busy.
On a different subject I meet with my trainer tomorrow for my 3rd session. Her name is Irene and she is short and tiny. Do not let that fool you, she is very strong. She really puts me through the paces and I do love it as I have stated my legs are very weak so believe me we are doing something about that. I want to be strong especially in my legs. Will keep you posted. Tootles
On a different subject I meet with my trainer tomorrow for my 3rd session. Her name is Irene and she is short and tiny. Do not let that fool you, she is very strong. She really puts me through the paces and I do love it as I have stated my legs are very weak so believe me we are doing something about that. I want to be strong especially in my legs. Will keep you posted. Tootles
Exciting and Frustrating !
Hello Everyone. Yes, I am still going to the Gym and loving it more and more every time I do go which is Tuesday through Saturday. It is great. I'm feeling better everyday.
I have also bought myself an Mac Air !!! I love it and am frustrated with it at the same time. It's good for me to learn new things and figure all this stuff out. Right now I am trying to figure out how to get to my pictures so I can add some here. Haven't figured that out yet. But I will, just give me time. Well , right now I am going to get back to the Mac and figure more stuff out then I will come back here and keep you updated. Tootles
I have also bought myself an Mac Air !!! I love it and am frustrated with it at the same time. It's good for me to learn new things and figure all this stuff out. Right now I am trying to figure out how to get to my pictures so I can add some here. Haven't figured that out yet. But I will, just give me time. Well , right now I am going to get back to the Mac and figure more stuff out then I will come back here and keep you updated. Tootles
Monday, August 4, 2014
Getting Healthy and in Shape !
What a fun morning. I have joined the Gym here in our small town. It's great ! One of my Grand Daughters went with me and is also joining. One thing I am really looking forward to is I will have a personal trainer. I am so looking forward to this. Of course tomorrow I will probably not be able to move.
I will keep you posted on what's happening and the progress I am making. Wish me luck. Tootles
I will keep you posted on what's happening and the progress I am making. Wish me luck. Tootles
Thursday, July 17, 2014
This is my view this morning. It's cool with a lovely breeze. I even had to get my jacket.
I was thinking about comfort zones. you know we all have them and everyone has a different area that's best for them. I find it very interesting how some people will go to great links to stay in their comfort zones. They will even cause hurt feelings, and even fighting with another person, someone they love just to be able to stay in their zone. Its that uncomfortable for them. I believe they feel not in control. They have let someone else be in control and that is just too scary. They feel they have lost their edge or they no longer have that identity that sets them apart. Now they are part of a group and the scary thing for them is _ What if someone ask them a question or asked them to do something. If they are not in their zone they don't know how to function. Interesting !? I think yes. Tootles
I was thinking about comfort zones. you know we all have them and everyone has a different area that's best for them. I find it very interesting how some people will go to great links to stay in their comfort zones. They will even cause hurt feelings, and even fighting with another person, someone they love just to be able to stay in their zone. Its that uncomfortable for them. I believe they feel not in control. They have let someone else be in control and that is just too scary. They feel they have lost their edge or they no longer have that identity that sets them apart. Now they are part of a group and the scary thing for them is _ What if someone ask them a question or asked them to do something. If they are not in their zone they don't know how to function. Interesting !? I think yes. Tootles
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Peaches and 2 Apples

My apple crop is 2. Yes, I said 2 apples. They are beautiful and just look at all my peaches. Yum! I am going to make peach preserves. I love this stuff. I have it on everything. Not only toast but any meat, with scrambled egg on corn tortilla. I even add hot sauce to it and have it for dipping. I am going to be very busy and the smell in my house will be wonderful.
I just pulled Banana Bread out of the oven then put a chicken and potatoes in. Dinner !! Hey, its all about easy and very very good. Tottles
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The Pigeon are no longer at this Address
I think we have new residents. Now I haven't seen them but I do hear whispers and snapping of twigs now and then. It's all such a mystery and I do hope we can figure it out. The Dogs are quietly barking and sniffing around, with their heads leaning to the side and their ears upside down. Not to mention our cats, Angus is staring at what we don't know, then looking about scratching his crown , trying to figure just what is there, upon the ground. We have peeked through our windows between the blinds to see what mischief we can find. I'm afraid we have found nothing to point to and say, "There is the culprit who's moved in the pigeon house and SCARED us away . Oh, we will
Figure it out, just you wait and see. I for one would welcome the Magic, to see how it grows. To feel it around me even in my toes. I think they are in the berries, not hiding you see, just living their life as Happy as can be. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. Tootles
Figure it out, just you wait and see. I for one would welcome the Magic, to see how it grows. To feel it around me even in my toes. I think they are in the berries, not hiding you see, just living their life as Happy as can be. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. Tootles
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Tarot
Here I go learning more. I've used a Tarot Deck for years and have numerous decks. I love to find different ones. One time in my life I did not have any cards, that is, with me, so I made a deck of Rider Waite cards. I looked on line and they had a pattern I could copy. I colored them myself which at the time was great therapy. Believe it or not I love this deck. I'm sure its because I touched each card not only with cutting and coloring but my spirit, my soul and of course my passion is in every card.
Now with this book " Seventy Eight Degree's of Wisdom " by Rachael Pollock, I am able to learn even more about each card in the Tarot. I think its going to take me awhile to get through this but when I am done I feel it will be an opening up of another part of my Sprit. Tootles
Now with this book " Seventy Eight Degree's of Wisdom " by Rachael Pollock, I am able to learn even more about each card in the Tarot. I think its going to take me awhile to get through this but when I am done I feel it will be an opening up of another part of my Sprit. Tootles
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Pigeon House or What ?
How about this little gem. Some people see throw away, I see treasure.
I'm fixing this up for my yard. The worst has been cleaned out of it, well almost, now I'll do the final cleaning. Then the fun begins. Where to put it in my yard and deciding just what to put inside. Oh ! The possibilities are endless.
This will keep me busy as Jim is working now so I do have lots of free time. I'm so use to him being here I really miss him. I mean you can only read and watch TV so long. I'll keep you in the loop. Tootles
I'm fixing this up for my yard. The worst has been cleaned out of it, well almost, now I'll do the final cleaning. Then the fun begins. Where to put it in my yard and deciding just what to put inside. Oh ! The possibilities are endless.
This will keep me busy as Jim is working now so I do have lots of free time. I'm so use to him being here I really miss him. I mean you can only read and watch TV so long. I'll keep you in the loop. Tootles
Monday, June 16, 2014
Lavender, Lavender, Lavender
Oh, how I love this sweet smelling plant. I told you last week about making lavender oil. Well, here it is
That was fun and interesting. Will be doing more fun things. Until tomorrow. tootles
That was fun and interesting. Will be doing more fun things. Until tomorrow. tootles
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Angus and more
Our Newcomer " Angus " |
Now as far as getting along with the other animals we have, I mentioned 4 dogs, no problem. Even out biggest dog Eddie just puts up with hime. He is forever jumping on their necks and wrapping his arms around them, then flying off. The one it's a problem for is Elviria. She wants nothing to do with him at all. I can't believe it but he takes off after her and she runs ! There has only been a couple of times that she growled really loud and He ran off. So we try to keep them separate. I don't know if that's what we should do or not.
Today is suppose to be another scorcher. Then it suppose to cool down. When it's hot and the temperature just keeps going up, up, up you try and figure out how to stay cool. Okay, in this day and age it's not that hard to do something about it. We stay indoors with the air conditioning on. We go to the beach or if that is not possible we jump in our own pool or friends pool or public pool. We go to the Mall, walk the afternoon away. Growing up myself, we certainly did not have air conditioning. No one I knew had it in their houses. We did however have lots of fans and the tall windows that were wide open. Even at our school, once again those tall windows did get a lot of breeze in and of course the ceilings were 10 or so feet. So the heat would go up their. It was still hot but not having experienced air conditioning we were fine. I went to the public pool in the town I grew up in. A large pool with plenty of space in the different levels. It had a high dive and several other boards lower. That is where we spent the summer months. Mom would buy a summer pass and all I had to do was sign my name and I was in. Fantastic.i
Enjoying the Summer !
I'm learning how to work all of this then I can write on my blog. This is so. cool
Friday, June 6, 2014
Making Lavender Oil
You know somethings we have planned just don't come about. I did not pick this picture but this and 4 others came up so there must be a reason, I'm going with it. I love this lady with her arms loaded with grocery bags and the look on her face content, quiet happiness, just happy the things are. Wish we all could be like her. My shelf is different now but you know what I like this a lot. I just might change it back.
So much is happening at this time of the year. Mainly School is out. I am not real crazy about the hot weather. I try to get everything done in the morning, including exercise. You know I have been having a hard time doing exercises. I really don't know why but was telling my daughter about that and she said, " I've always thought that was great that you exercised". Well, that is all I needed to get back into it. Sometimes you just need a little push to get you going. I do feel better.
Wanted to talk a little about my lavender plants. This is where they were, now I have separated them as well as moved them. They were in the shade just not getting enough sun. Where I moved them I still don't know if they are getting enough sun. I love the smell of them. I have even found a recipe to make lavender oil. I took the blooms and blossoms smashed them gentle in a bowl with the back of a spoon, put them in a mason jar, filled it to cover them with Vodka, put wax paper on top of jar, then screwed on the lid. Put it on my closet shelf for 10 days, poured everything through a strainer and coffee filter, put that in a jar with just a coffee filter and rubber band holding it. I have to wait another 10 days for the Vodka to evaporate and what is left is Lavender Oil. Pretty cool uh? Will take a picture when it's done. So that is why I want my plants to do good and I need to find the prefect spot for them. Tootles
So much is happening at this time of the year. Mainly School is out. I am not real crazy about the hot weather. I try to get everything done in the morning, including exercise. You know I have been having a hard time doing exercises. I really don't know why but was telling my daughter about that and she said, " I've always thought that was great that you exercised". Well, that is all I needed to get back into it. Sometimes you just need a little push to get you going. I do feel better.
Wanted to talk a little about my lavender plants. This is where they were, now I have separated them as well as moved them. They were in the shade just not getting enough sun. Where I moved them I still don't know if they are getting enough sun. I love the smell of them. I have even found a recipe to make lavender oil. I took the blooms and blossoms smashed them gentle in a bowl with the back of a spoon, put them in a mason jar, filled it to cover them with Vodka, put wax paper on top of jar, then screwed on the lid. Put it on my closet shelf for 10 days, poured everything through a strainer and coffee filter, put that in a jar with just a coffee filter and rubber band holding it. I have to wait another 10 days for the Vodka to evaporate and what is left is Lavender Oil. Pretty cool uh? Will take a picture when it's done. So that is why I want my plants to do good and I need to find the prefect spot for them. Tootles
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Outdoors / yards / and Playing
Our daughter has given us a lot of beautiful flowers and plants so we have been busy, busy get everything planted. I don't want anything to die because we didn't get it in the ground. It really is fun deciding where it's going to go. It's funny as we have changed our yard, even moved plants around because they just didn't suit where they were. We have a problem right now. You see there is a big bush that has beautiful white flowers on it and red berries But it also has long thorns. It is in the wrong place, you see it is in the North side of the yard where the swing set is. We have small Grandchildren now and one Grandbaby that will soon be toddling out there. I do not want them to go near this bush. so have already put in a request to Jim he must move it. On the south side of the yard we do have volunteer raspberries and this year they are coming on strong and full. Hopefully I will be able to get out there and get me a bowl full before the birdies get them all. I don't care that the birds get the berries, I would just like some also. Anyway, I think we could move the thorny bush next to the berries maybe close to the fence. You know, keep all the thorns and stickers together. Sounds like a plan. Tootles
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Hello Spring !
What a great time of the year. Nice weather, summer coming, BBQ's, fresh fruit and vegetables. Wow, ain't life Grand!
I'm enjoying life and what ever it sends me. Trying to stay open minded and wanting to learn. About what you say... Hey that is the beauty, Everything. I don't want to pin point, that sometimes closes doors. I want to hopefully see what is out there and jump. I mean I do want to do a lot of things especially in my yard. I think I want to try my hand at making sculptures out of cement for my yard. Now I am not going for a bust of someone famous, or even a person. No facial features. Nothing in detail, an artist I am not. Anyway not the kind you would call an artist. Hey, I think I am on to something. How about a statue of a person but no detail. No facial features, just attempting to make them. Too wired? I'm going to think about that. You know at first I was just thinking about shaping something out of cement. Like a pillar or lamp post. Something that I could design that didn't require a lot of talent. You know, the kind I do not have. I think it would be fun and a big plus is my husband thinks so also. So any heavy lifting I'm covered. Besides he comes up with some really great ideas. Ok I'm going to get all this going and be back to show you what I have done. Tootles
I'm enjoying life and what ever it sends me. Trying to stay open minded and wanting to learn. About what you say... Hey that is the beauty, Everything. I don't want to pin point, that sometimes closes doors. I want to hopefully see what is out there and jump. I mean I do want to do a lot of things especially in my yard. I think I want to try my hand at making sculptures out of cement for my yard. Now I am not going for a bust of someone famous, or even a person. No facial features. Nothing in detail, an artist I am not. Anyway not the kind you would call an artist. Hey, I think I am on to something. How about a statue of a person but no detail. No facial features, just attempting to make them. Too wired? I'm going to think about that. You know at first I was just thinking about shaping something out of cement. Like a pillar or lamp post. Something that I could design that didn't require a lot of talent. You know, the kind I do not have. I think it would be fun and a big plus is my husband thinks so also. So any heavy lifting I'm covered. Besides he comes up with some really great ideas. Ok I'm going to get all this going and be back to show you what I have done. Tootles
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Stormy Weather
We are having stormy weather just like in this picture. I know it's beautiful and we can really use the rain (so they say). I for one am ready for warm sunny weather. I want to spend a lot of time outside. We have been planting flowers, moving things around and now I want to go out and enjoy it. I do know it is still early yet after all it's only the last of March. You know March winds, we have had plenty of winds and now next is suppose to be April Showers. NOOOO! Well, I hope we don't have but a few showers in April and not the downpour we have had in March. More later. Tootles
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
"Good Morning to You and Yours," says this Goddess..
She is a gem and I love every little wrinkle on her face. Notice her wings and of course I love her earrings. She always brings a smile to my face. Her eyes follow you. What a Goddess ! She's in my screened in porch on a shelf. Her friend, who looks a lot like her is there also. Next time for her picture. We don't want to go over board on Goddesses.
Speaking of Goddesses, one of my classes I'm taking is about them and I have to dress up as one. Most of my married life I was Goddess Hera but then after I went through menopause I was different. I just need to narrow it down to what Goddess that I am in now. After that the fun part begins. I need to come up with an outfit that will fit both Goddesses or maybe even three. I plan on making a talk about the why's and what for's. I don't want to say speech because I don't want it to seem cold. This is my life I am talking about and I want it to come from my heart.
Now this beautiful Goddess I found in a thrift store. Isn't she beautiful. Oh, to be on the Ocean Edge. Maybe she found a beautiful shell or Ocean rock. Whatever it is she is giving it her full attention. I imagine that will go in a pocket or purse and be kept with other treasures she has found along the path of life. The frame around the Goddess is beautiful and quite heavy. I think I was in the right place at the right time because I really love it and hope to find more. Not that I have any wall space, I don't but I manage to find a spot here and there.
Below is some of my screened in porch also. This is just under and over the Goddess in the Frame. My chair is another find and how do you like the beautiful silk hat. It just matches, doesn't it? The wire basket is dried flowers that I have saved from Jim bringing me flowers. I love to do that
then I have lasting memories.
Well enjoy ! Happy Spring to all. Tootles
Speaking of Goddesses, one of my classes I'm taking is about them and I have to dress up as one. Most of my married life I was Goddess Hera but then after I went through menopause I was different. I just need to narrow it down to what Goddess that I am in now. After that the fun part begins. I need to come up with an outfit that will fit both Goddesses or maybe even three. I plan on making a talk about the why's and what for's. I don't want to say speech because I don't want it to seem cold. This is my life I am talking about and I want it to come from my heart.
Now this beautiful Goddess I found in a thrift store. Isn't she beautiful. Oh, to be on the Ocean Edge. Maybe she found a beautiful shell or Ocean rock. Whatever it is she is giving it her full attention. I imagine that will go in a pocket or purse and be kept with other treasures she has found along the path of life. The frame around the Goddess is beautiful and quite heavy. I think I was in the right place at the right time because I really love it and hope to find more. Not that I have any wall space, I don't but I manage to find a spot here and there.
Below is some of my screened in porch also. This is just under and over the Goddess in the Frame. My chair is another find and how do you like the beautiful silk hat. It just matches, doesn't it? The wire basket is dried flowers that I have saved from Jim bringing me flowers. I love to do that
then I have lasting memories.
Well enjoy ! Happy Spring to all. Tootles
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Here is to "Sky Faeries and Goddesses in Every Women"
No doubt about it. These are beautiful Sky Faeries. They were with me. Overseeing, guarding, watching, protecting or just wanted to come along for the ride. Hey, whatever I loved seeing them and took (as one of my Son's said) 4 hundred pictures almost all in a row. I just did not want to miss any formation. It seemed to me they were putting on quite a show and I for one did not want to miss a second.
This brings me to a class I am taking now. It's called "Irish Myths and Legends". Wow, what a class and what a teacher. Victoria Hunt, you can tell she is passionate about her heritage. She comes across as wanting to fill you in on the history and the now of Irish legends. As you can tell I love the class.
Now tomorrow I go to my Goddess Class. Yes, that is right
my Goddess Class. Well the name of the class is "A Goddess in Every Women," the teacher is Sydney Wilde. What a remarkable and funny lady. You know it seems forever I have wanted to know more about Goddesses. I mean I would hear a little here and and little there but never really getting the whole story. Well, this class tells it all. There are two books that she says will help to follow along for class. " A Goddess in Every Women," by Jean Bolin. She also has "Goddess in the Older Women, which I haven't got fully into yet. The books, in fact, all of here books are full of information for every women. Hey, it explains a
lot about how we as women are. Never apologize again about the mood you are in. It's not a mood, (well, it is sorta) it's just one of the Goddesses showing up and maybe not always at the most opportune time. Read the books ! It has helped me explain a lot about myself and others I know. Hey, Here's to Faeries and Goddesses ! Tootles
This brings me to a class I am taking now. It's called "Irish Myths and Legends". Wow, what a class and what a teacher. Victoria Hunt, you can tell she is passionate about her heritage. She comes across as wanting to fill you in on the history and the now of Irish legends. As you can tell I love the class.
Now tomorrow I go to my Goddess Class. Yes, that is right
my Goddess Class. Well the name of the class is "A Goddess in Every Women," the teacher is Sydney Wilde. What a remarkable and funny lady. You know it seems forever I have wanted to know more about Goddesses. I mean I would hear a little here and and little there but never really getting the whole story. Well, this class tells it all. There are two books that she says will help to follow along for class. " A Goddess in Every Women," by Jean Bolin. She also has "Goddess in the Older Women, which I haven't got fully into yet. The books, in fact, all of here books are full of information for every women. Hey, it explains a
lot about how we as women are. Never apologize again about the mood you are in. It's not a mood, (well, it is sorta) it's just one of the Goddesses showing up and maybe not always at the most opportune time. Read the books ! It has helped me explain a lot about myself and others I know. Hey, Here's to Faeries and Goddesses ! Tootles
Friday, January 10, 2014
New to Me Kitchen
Here we are ! With everything I have put together for my new Kitchen. I would say 95% of everything you see is bought from the Thrift Stores and how I love to shop at Thrift Stores.
The sign above everything which says.."Toland" my Dad made for us at our old house. We had it hanging out front of our house but I just don't want the weather to harm it anymore so have it inside now. The sink you see is very deep and I love it. It was given to me by my daughter several years ago. It works perfect. The cast iron candle holder above the sink belonged to our
daughter-in-law, Bernadette. I thought the blue candles just set it off. See the little country girl above right. Isn't she adorable, she is sitting in a basket, my husband found and knew I would love her as an addition (and I do). There are various wooden boxes which I have been lucky enough to find and grab. The blue green hooks on each side are cast iron. Anything cast iron, wooden, or tin I grab. I certainly do not like anything plastic, ugh! We do start a fire in the fireplace most mornings and have out breakfast their. It's cozy and warm. The cupboard door you see here is the other side of our storage cupboard from the other room. I had Jim paint it with the chalkboard paint. It does look like a chalkboard but haven't used chalk on it. I don't want to just get chalk from Walmart (which is from China) but plan on finding it at Staples, just haven't stopped by there yet. I think the have thin chalk like a pencil. Then I will write a menu of
sorts or something else, haven't decided yet.
This pic is the other side of the counter. Jim made me a shelf underneath and I plan on having baskets there to slide in and out. I might make a material sash for the inside and sides of the basket but don't know for sure. I had another basket which was oval and right after I got it was going to use it to bring my veg. and fruit back to my house in it but low and behold the CSA people took it ! What !? and left their plastic one. I was doing that so they could take their basket back as it was the last one, even explained what I was doing in two emails. Guess they don't read them. Oh Well, so much for planning and CSA baskets.
Now this sweet little pig was made and given to me by my Dad. I have two other ones which are just square boards. This he use my cutting board which I bought from the Clock Maker in Leon, Kansas. I've had it for a long time as well as the Clock we ordered from him. At the time couldn't afford the Grandfather Clock so bought a smaller version which is just the size of the face of a Grandfather clock. I do love the chimes. Tootles
The sign above everything which says.."Toland" my Dad made for us at our old house. We had it hanging out front of our house but I just don't want the weather to harm it anymore so have it inside now. The sink you see is very deep and I love it. It was given to me by my daughter several years ago. It works perfect. The cast iron candle holder above the sink belonged to our
daughter-in-law, Bernadette. I thought the blue candles just set it off. See the little country girl above right. Isn't she adorable, she is sitting in a basket, my husband found and knew I would love her as an addition (and I do). There are various wooden boxes which I have been lucky enough to find and grab. The blue green hooks on each side are cast iron. Anything cast iron, wooden, or tin I grab. I certainly do not like anything plastic, ugh! We do start a fire in the fireplace most mornings and have out breakfast their. It's cozy and warm. The cupboard door you see here is the other side of our storage cupboard from the other room. I had Jim paint it with the chalkboard paint. It does look like a chalkboard but haven't used chalk on it. I don't want to just get chalk from Walmart (which is from China) but plan on finding it at Staples, just haven't stopped by there yet. I think the have thin chalk like a pencil. Then I will write a menu of
sorts or something else, haven't decided yet.
This pic is the other side of the counter. Jim made me a shelf underneath and I plan on having baskets there to slide in and out. I might make a material sash for the inside and sides of the basket but don't know for sure. I had another basket which was oval and right after I got it was going to use it to bring my veg. and fruit back to my house in it but low and behold the CSA people took it ! What !? and left their plastic one. I was doing that so they could take their basket back as it was the last one, even explained what I was doing in two emails. Guess they don't read them. Oh Well, so much for planning and CSA baskets.
Now this sweet little pig was made and given to me by my Dad. I have two other ones which are just square boards. This he use my cutting board which I bought from the Clock Maker in Leon, Kansas. I've had it for a long time as well as the Clock we ordered from him. At the time couldn't afford the Grandfather Clock so bought a smaller version which is just the size of the face of a Grandfather clock. I do love the chimes. Tootles
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Working Hard !
Exercising every other day. I have a positive attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God. Pr...
These are just some of what I took. I tell you I could just ride around for hours just looking at all the houses. The whole feeling of be...
I have two blankets going and the patterns are a little different. The little head and ear is Bella, my sweet puppy. I'm going to work ...