I told you about the Kitty that was visiting in the outer front yard. Jim has been able to hold it now. After feeding him for several weeks he finally allowed Jim to pick him up. He is a male which is fine with me as all our cats have been fixed. We have 2 female, Eleanor and Elviria and 1 male, Edgar (we call him sparky). The new Kitty's name is Elvis. Our Granddaughter wanted to call it Edward (because of the Twilight books and movie) but Jim is the one who feeds it and he calls it Elvis. He was so confident that it was getting tame he brought it up to introduce Elvis to our dog Tasha. The minute Elvis saw Tasha she turned, bit Jim on the neck and flew out of his arms. Jim did not see him until the next day, at feeding time. Ha! So we are just fine at letting well enough alone.
I still think about Nathan and Lighty and it brings on a smile.
Our swim class is doing great. How I love going to the gym, just wish I could lose some pounds. I just do not get it. Next week on Thursday the gym is having an Ice Cream Social. You will be able to make your own sundae's. Sounds yummy to me. Don't even say anything, I'm only going to have a small one, so there.
Have you read the book
"The Pillars of the Earth," by Ken Follett
and the next book to follow it
"World Without End"
. I have read both of them in book form and ordered "The Pillars of the Earth" for my Kindle. They are both fabulous. It takes place in the 11th century, that is the first one and the second one is one hundred or so years later, which is Great Grandsons of the main characters. It makes you see a little of how they survived and what was the trade and life styles then. Let me tell you it was not easy. Just everyday happenings were a struggle. Along with many characters one of them loves to build cathedrals, very interesting. Why I am telling you this ? We just joined netflix and "The Pillars of the Earth" movie is on it. You can view it right off your computer or through your TV how ever you have yours set up. We are not set up for streaming as of yet (don't I sound like I know what I am talking about) so I will be patiently waiting for it to come out on DVD. They do not offer that right now. What I understand STARZ had the movie on their channel. If anyone is interested enjoy. I really loved the books. Tootles
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