I would like you to meet Alice and Rose, our pet goats. Actually they started out with our Granddaughters but you know how that goes so Grandpa is taking care of them. Believe me he is not complaining as we love them and enjoy watching them very much. When they get excited to see you coming, off they go running lickity split with their heads turned to the side. Let me tell you they are so cute. They are very curious and have loads of fun just running around and investigating everything in site. Then they settle down dig two little shallow holes with their two front paws to place their knees in and sit down and relax. They love to sit in the shade and just watch the chickens, Elvis our stray kitty, who plays with Edgar, our other stray kitty, who is now a cat. I think he gets too rough but Elvis keeps going back for more. They sit and watch for hours. Alice and Rose also love to eat Alfalfa but also love to nibble on the chicken feed, oatmeal and just about anything that's a grain. What fun they are to have around, NO, we do NOT even think of eating them. I sure hope they did not hear that as they would be very upset and I'm sure plan an attack of some kind.

Now have you ever seen anything more adorable. I mean they even have their Sunday socks on. Enjoy ! Tootles
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