My husband is making a goat house. Yes, that is what I said. It's a house for the goats, Esme and Rosalie. The poor girls have been putting up with rain and mud for just too long. We have decided to move there home up on dryer land. You notice I said dryer not dry land. He's, Jim that is, is putting fresh hay inside their new home so at least it will be dryer for awhile. I just hope our rains are about over. I know we need the rain fall but I would think we have it by now.
This Sunday not only is it Valentines Day
Tomorrow we are going to Ikea with family. What an interesting store. It's from Sweden. Some of there items are quite unique. I do enjoy browsing through all the different rooms they have set up. I'm a hands on person so being able to actually see the items set up is a plus. There colors and designs are very bold and bright. One area I do enjoy along with the rest of my family is the cafeteria. You can get breakfast (they even have a breakfast for .99) lunch and dinner and the quality of the food is very good. I usually get the pasta with organic sauce. Really good. You do end up eating one meal if not two as it takes you awhile to get through the store. Don't get me started on the dessert. Get this, on your way out they have like an American like snack bar and their specialty is cinnamon rolls. Now just imagine checking out and that's all you smell are warm homemade cinnamon rolls. It's a killer let me tell you. Yes, to answer your question we usually buy some. It is 6 for 4.oo. Not bad.
Must tell you about a Deli Shop we just discovered in a town near by in Chico,CA that is. The Deli is called Spiteri's. It's one of those out of the way places that only locals know about. Believe it or not I saw it on the local news show last year when we were having flash flooding around the area. The guy they were interviewing was telling his loyal customers they would be back and up and running in a few days. I thought to myself, Hey, that is the place to go. Yes, it's been almost a year,(I don't get out much) but every time we went to Chico I would forget and then of course would remember when we arrived home. (Such is life). Well finally last week I remembered and we found it. It is off the main road and kinda tucked back behind and round the corner. Let me tell you it was fabulous. I ordered garlic rosemary turkey on dutch crunch bread with the works (pickles, lettuce, tomato, mustard) and on the side peppercini's. Oh My God, it was very yummy. We found it last week and have been back 3 times already. So if you are every in this area look it up you won't be disappointed.
Spiteri's Deli, Chico, CA or
Sunflower Health food,Grocery and Deli, Yuba City, CA or
Jakes Burgers and more, Oroville, CA
Just three of the best places to go in our area. We love them ! Tootles
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