What is more beautiful then Roses? I tell you I love them. I have saved the petals for years and have a basket full of them. It smells wonderful. I have added other flowers to it but the Roses smell the best.
I thought this would be a nice change from the Holidays. This bouquet is from last summer and I was never without a bouquet thanks to my husband bringing them in.
Then we have the sweet. Eleanor that is.I have shown this picture before or one like it to show she insists on getting her drink here. We do have a water dish on the floor but that seems to be beneath her. Ha! Her sister Elviria also gets a drink here but not as often.
I know we are all glad the Holidays are over. Well, not quite yet as we do have New Years to go but I was talking about the gift giving and dinners to make.
This year I ordered my turkey dinner from The big grocery store. It was delicious, especially since I didn't have to cook it. I have a very small oven let alone a very small kitchen so believe me ordering it was great. Everything was delicious except the broccoli dish. It was broccoli, rice and cheese mixed together. Now I do like all of them just not together in one dish. It was not good but the turkey (12lb) was delicious, mashed potatoes and gravy, yum, cranberry sauce, yum and of course the rolls not to mention the pumpkin pie, double yum yum. It was great and we had left overs which is always a treat. Tonight we are having tacos. A great change and we love them.
Hey, just to let you know hopefully the first of January I am getting me a computer or ipad for my own and will be on top of my blog. I do so love to write here but it is challenging sometime. Now of course I see they are bringing out a new ipad3 the end of February. Fine ! Ok, so do I wait for that or just jump right in on another device. I swear I just don't know. I am going to go look and if I find just what I want or see something I know will work perfect than I am going to get it. Wish me luck!
Oh, real quick!!!!! I got an Kindle Fire for Christmas !!!! I have to say I do love it. I had the Kindle2 and really loved it but I have to say having it in color and a bigger screen is great. Now with the update in place I am enjoying it very much. Also went to a discussion and found out how to find the blogs and to see them in color is great. Will talk more later. Tootles
Happenings from daily living in the country. What we do, what we see. Sometimes interesting, sometimes funny and sometimes sad but join me and I will share.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Help !!
Ok, I have been eating gluten free food and I have to tell you it is awful. I mean awful ! So what I have been thinking it's just wheat, that doesn't agree with me. Let me put it another way. So help me God, it has to be just wheat. I feel so sorry for all of you out there who need to eat gluten free food. Oh, My God, it is just plain awful. All I can say is I have not tried all gluten free food so there is still hope for all of you but my heart does go out to you. I for one am eating a lot less and no wheat so will keep you posted on that. With the Holidays it will get hard but just the thought that I would have to eat gluten free food is enough to make me eat less and no wheat. Hey, I think I just found a way to lose weight. Well sort of. Will let you know.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Another Great Day !
Hey, this is great. I feel super. Today I had an omelet for breakfast, just eggs and veggies. Lunch, veggies, beans and rice. I know, you are probably saying it's boring eating all this over and over and I have to agree but....when it makes you feel good it's what works. I do plan on going to the store and getting some gluten free food like bread, cookies (hey, I have to live a little) and more stuff. So, so far so good.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thanksgiving, Oh No !
Why the "Oh No!" Well, I have been reading about Gluten allergies. I think I just might have some form of that. I first heard about it while watching the "View". Elizabeth talked about her allergy to it as I was listening some of the things she said she experienced, I also had experienced. So I looked it up on line then look up even more sites and then went to Elizabeth's site and ordered her book. It's like a whole new world has opened up for me. Hey, this is good news even though I am a bread lover from way back. I mean the rosemary and olive oil bread you can buy from Costco is to die for. I have always loved bread. When I would have cramping and bloating in my tummy I would just have a slice of good bread. Wow! Then to find out that was probably what was causing the problem. I still can't believe it.
This is all new to me. I have just started this so will keep you posted. It's funny I have been eating healthy (I thought) for a long time. Now I realize it was all good except for the gluten. I even made my husband eat whole grain bread because it was better for him. Now he tells me he never liked it. Well we will see how this goes. So far today I have had an egg, hash browns (which my husband made me for breakfast) and coffee. Lunch was brown rice and veggies. So far so good. I'm not kidding I did just start. I am aware of reading labels now not just for the fat content but gluten, wheat etc. I looked at the ingredients on some nuts that were suppose to be healthy.....guess what ? wheat starch ! So that just goes to show you. I will keep you posted and wish me luck. Tootles
This is all new to me. I have just started this so will keep you posted. It's funny I have been eating healthy (I thought) for a long time. Now I realize it was all good except for the gluten. I even made my husband eat whole grain bread because it was better for him. Now he tells me he never liked it. Well we will see how this goes. So far today I have had an egg, hash browns (which my husband made me for breakfast) and coffee. Lunch was brown rice and veggies. So far so good. I'm not kidding I did just start. I am aware of reading labels now not just for the fat content but gluten, wheat etc. I looked at the ingredients on some nuts that were suppose to be healthy.....guess what ? wheat starch ! So that just goes to show you. I will keep you posted and wish me luck. Tootles
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Halloween is just around the corner
This is Rose, one of our goats. She has cleaned all the oak leaves off of the Oak Tree. The oak is the tree at her back but the branches are right in front of her. The tree in front of her is a Walnut. She likes the leaves in it also but prefers Oak or even better pecan leaves. Isn't she pretty ? Her sister Alice is just as sweet but she is lounging in the shade.
Have been busy here and there. Much to do and the time is traveling by so fast I can't believe it. Here we are heading into Autumn. What a pretty time of the year. I just love the smell of the crisp cool air in the morning. You can just feel the change coming. We really had a mild summer so am hoping the winter will follow suit. We don't live in snow country so don't have that to worry about just rain and usually lots of it. What I miss is the thunder storms. Coming from Kansas we would have some rip roaring thunder and the lightning, well let's just say you were able to see All of the night sky whether you wanted to or not. Oh, the good ole' days !
I mentioned we have a walnut tree, two in fact here in our yard. They are starting to fall so need to get out there and get them picked up. I swear it's a battle to keep our dogs away from them. What is really cute is finding a walnut cracked on my couch with only the shell left. Oh, you can just bet I find that cute. Ha! This year I am going to get them cracked and in my freezer as fast as I can. We do love them and snack on them a lot. What is better then walnut and carob chips, yum yum. Tootles
Have been busy here and there. Much to do and the time is traveling by so fast I can't believe it. Here we are heading into Autumn. What a pretty time of the year. I just love the smell of the crisp cool air in the morning. You can just feel the change coming. We really had a mild summer so am hoping the winter will follow suit. We don't live in snow country so don't have that to worry about just rain and usually lots of it. What I miss is the thunder storms. Coming from Kansas we would have some rip roaring thunder and the lightning, well let's just say you were able to see All of the night sky whether you wanted to or not. Oh, the good ole' days !
I mentioned we have a walnut tree, two in fact here in our yard. They are starting to fall so need to get out there and get them picked up. I swear it's a battle to keep our dogs away from them. What is really cute is finding a walnut cracked on my couch with only the shell left. Oh, you can just bet I find that cute. Ha! This year I am going to get them cracked and in my freezer as fast as I can. We do love them and snack on them a lot. What is better then walnut and carob chips, yum yum. Tootles
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Time, where is it?
They say the heat will be with us for a few more days. Next week is suppose to be in the 70's. I want to say, I can hardly wait for next week but I feel like I am rushing my days away. I suppose that comes with getting older. We seem to notice time more, the kind of time that slips away. I want so much to enjoy the rest of my life, I know that sounds boring but I really do mean it. I seem to be going through many days of feeling sad and lonely. Don't get me wrong I'm generally not that way and I wouldn't describe myself as someone depressed. I guess I am lucky enough that it doesn't last but an hour or two and I snap out of it. I don't want to be that way. I suppose the one thing I wish I could do is have friends. I use to think I had a lot of them but my kids grew, I quit my job and I did not take care of my friendships like I should have. That is really hard to admit as I have always had friends around me. You know, someone to call or stop by and visit with. It didn't happen overnight. I guess you could say it happened when I wasn't looking. I wasn't paying attention and when I turned my head no one was there. I had no phone numbers to call, no addresses to find and no name to think of. Yes, I know there is Facebook. I'm sorry, I don't like it. I was on it for a short time just to see what it was like and it just happened my cousin from Kansas found me and we have been writing since. That was a couple years ago. So, for that I am glad but I have no desire to get on again. We just exchange emails now. I have discovered more people have regretted something they said on their facebook page or maybe they should have regretted it. It's just too easy to be typing away on a machine and feeling safe and your thoughts get away from you. Anyway it's not for me. I would like to have someone who I could go meet for lunch. Hey, maybe a cup of coffee. The problem with that is your spending way too much for a cup and all of a sudden you feel this pressure to be someone you are not.
I also would like to go to San Francisco for the weekend. Doesn't that sound like fun. I really have been all over the City, thanks to my husband. We have been to all the tourist spots and I do love them but I love it when he just goes to a part of the city, we park the car and start walking. The little shops are so much fun and you will find a little cafe (I do mean little) that you didn't even realize was there. The food ends up being so good and it's just fun to sit and watch the people especially if you get by the window. That is fun and I do so hope soon I can do that.
I'm crocheting a baby blanket but in looking over patterns on Google I have discovered shadow knitting. There are other names for it and it looks like it would be interesting. Actually there are different kinds as the one pattern it shows a pair of hands praying. It's not real plain but you see like the shadow. Another kind is when you look straight on it's strips but when you look at the side you see a heart, or a hand etc. First I am going to do the prayer hands in the shawl. It really does look beautiful and when I get it done I will take a picture of it and put it here on my site. Now you notice I said knitting. I did knit years ago and will try it again. Crochet is so forgiving as you can make a mistake and it really doesn't show, that is to other people but if you make a mistake in knitting it shows up like a sore thumb. Wish me luck ! Tootles
I also would like to go to San Francisco for the weekend. Doesn't that sound like fun. I really have been all over the City, thanks to my husband. We have been to all the tourist spots and I do love them but I love it when he just goes to a part of the city, we park the car and start walking. The little shops are so much fun and you will find a little cafe (I do mean little) that you didn't even realize was there. The food ends up being so good and it's just fun to sit and watch the people especially if you get by the window. That is fun and I do so hope soon I can do that.
I'm crocheting a baby blanket but in looking over patterns on Google I have discovered shadow knitting. There are other names for it and it looks like it would be interesting. Actually there are different kinds as the one pattern it shows a pair of hands praying. It's not real plain but you see like the shadow. Another kind is when you look straight on it's strips but when you look at the side you see a heart, or a hand etc. First I am going to do the prayer hands in the shawl. It really does look beautiful and when I get it done I will take a picture of it and put it here on my site. Now you notice I said knitting. I did knit years ago and will try it again. Crochet is so forgiving as you can make a mistake and it really doesn't show, that is to other people but if you make a mistake in knitting it shows up like a sore thumb. Wish me luck ! Tootles
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's September ? Really ?
What the heck happened to the summer ? I was going to do so much......Oh well, anywho now it's getting into fall. What is more beautiful then Autumn ? I took a quick picture of our oak tree which is right in front of our walnut tree, they still have their leaves
and soon they will be turning yellow,and it will be so pretty. Then of course the air starts to get cooler. Ok, I am ready for the new season.
I have been reading a good book on my Kindle
, well actually I have been reading a lot of good books on my Kindle. I am thoroughly spoiled by all the free books. I cannot believe they are free it's like Christmas every time I click the buy button. Right now I'm reading "Gone to Green" by Judy Christie. It's a good story and am enjoying it very much. Have you went to see the movie "The Help
" yet. Oh my God, it is soooo good. I read the book and loved it so much I've read it a second and third time, then when I saw the ad for the movie I was thrilled. Let me tell you the movie is very well done. I was very happy with it, of course there are always some situations which are not in the movie so, by all means go get the book or get it on your Kindle, just get it you won't be disappointed and I promise, you will be very glad you did. Nothing but enjoyment, love, laughter, sad, embarrassing, serious and down right fun. I fell in love with all the character even the mean one (which is Opie's daughter, am I dating myself?).
I have been crocheting again. I do have a few things to make for Christmas gifts and of course there is a new member of our family coming around the end of the year so must make a blanket for him. Yes it's a boy and we are thrilled, of course a girl would have been wonderful also.
I'm feeling all sixes and sevens, up down all around, this way that way, over and under, backward and forward, turn this way, turn that way, not knowing for sure which way to go or what to do. Have you ever felt this way. Sometimes it feels crazy but it's not. I think it's the changing of the season and not knowing for sure just what is going to happen. I feel like my Mom should say, "Settle down". I don't care how old you are you still remember Mom and how she could always make things better. I think I felt safe just hearing her voice even when it was stern. I now know that made me feel safe because she was it charge and everything was going to be ok. Well, here is to all the Mom's out there. Thanks Mom, even though you are no longer here your voice of love will always be with me. Tootles
and soon they will be turning yellow,and it will be so pretty. Then of course the air starts to get cooler. Ok, I am ready for the new season.
I have been reading a good book on my Kindle
I have been crocheting again. I do have a few things to make for Christmas gifts and of course there is a new member of our family coming around the end of the year so must make a blanket for him. Yes it's a boy and we are thrilled, of course a girl would have been wonderful also.
I'm feeling all sixes and sevens, up down all around, this way that way, over and under, backward and forward, turn this way, turn that way, not knowing for sure which way to go or what to do. Have you ever felt this way. Sometimes it feels crazy but it's not. I think it's the changing of the season and not knowing for sure just what is going to happen. I feel like my Mom should say, "Settle down". I don't care how old you are you still remember Mom and how she could always make things better. I think I felt safe just hearing her voice even when it was stern. I now know that made me feel safe because she was it charge and everything was going to be ok. Well, here is to all the Mom's out there. Thanks Mom, even though you are no longer here your voice of love will always be with me. Tootles
Monday, August 22, 2011
What a Great Summer We Have Had !
Weather wise that is. We couldn't have asked for anything better. Now we are enjoying the results of our garden especially tomatoes. I love them. I love a tomato and lettuce with mayo on fresh bread. Yum, Yum !
Just a quick look at our tomatoes. We do have more vines but this one seemed to show up the best. We also have banana squash and pumpkins. There is something to be said about planting your own garden. I swear when you can go out and pick dinner this is nothing better.
We have been cleaning things out around the house. The outside that is. I guess we are getting ready for winter a little early. Haven't been able to do a lot of the things we planned for this summer but you know the saying..... God just laughs and laughs hearing about your plans. Tootles
Just a quick look at our tomatoes. We do have more vines but this one seemed to show up the best. We also have banana squash and pumpkins. There is something to be said about planting your own garden. I swear when you can go out and pick dinner this is nothing better.
We have been cleaning things out around the house. The outside that is. I guess we are getting ready for winter a little early. Haven't been able to do a lot of the things we planned for this summer but you know the saying..... God just laughs and laughs hearing about your plans. Tootles
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Combining Blogs ?
Can you see the image of the bird ? Remarkable ! |
My next blog was www.arcanesportisaveo.blogspot. It's just more about my life and what been happening. I do have a lot of pictures on it also, the house, a lot of our animals. So don't forget to check it out.
Then of course I have this blog here. adustycottage.blogspot.com . Let me explain a little about the names.
Arcanes Portus Aveo is the name of our home. I know some people name their homes and I for one feel it's a good idea. I mean why ever not. So I wanted it to be special and reflect my Jim and I and what we wanted for our future. Well I have this latin/english dictionary which was given to me by a dear friend. It had belonged to her husband when he was in college. I swear I treasure this book not only for who it belonged to but looking up words and using them in the latin form. So this is what I came up with. Arcanes which means Secret or Hidden....Portus (I spelled it wrong in my blog, can you believe it) which means haven or home and Aveo which means Happiness and Good Health. So the name of our home is" Secret Home of Happiness and Good Health" or Hidden Haven of Happiness and Good Health. So I think you see why I started the first one and now here we are on the third.....which is " A Dusty Cottage". It's still called Arcanes Portus Aveo but because I have such a time of keeping up with the dust I came up with that. Now I am so sorry I just didn't stay with the first one and have all that has happened together but now I've been told the new thing now is.....tumblr. Well I have started one on tumblr and it's name is adustycottage but only one page so far as I need to figure all of it out. Here's to progress which is a lot faster during these times and trying new things. Tootles
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Middle of August ?
Roses ! Beautiful and sweet. Enough said.
I cannot believe the summer is almost over. Have we ever been lucky here in Northern CA. , not one 100' day (so far). Wow, this is so strange, but hey, I will take it. At the beginning of summer the liner to our pool had holes all over it. Then we found out they don't sell replacements. So you have to buy a whole new pool, well we could not do that so we thought, Oh well. I was not looking forward to the heat. As you can see we have been very lucky and have enjoyed our summer.
Have I got a recommendation for you !! Go see the movie, "The Help
",very well done and has everything, drama, comedy (very, very funny) serious, sad and just plain fun. Go see it and be prepared to laugh and maybe cry but don't miss out. I want to go see it again and hopefully I will. Remember "The Help
Guess what I have taken on, that is with Jim's help. We are recovering a couch that I threw out in the yard, that is in the back back yard. Well I got to feeling so bad about doing that and knew it was a good couch that I talk Jim into helping me redo it. We have peeled off all the offense material and the stuffing inside is snow white and in very good condition. All I have to buy is some batting and maybe upholstery nails as we have the material. I will keep you posted.
I cannot believe the summer is almost over. Have we ever been lucky here in Northern CA. , not one 100' day (so far). Wow, this is so strange, but hey, I will take it. At the beginning of summer the liner to our pool had holes all over it. Then we found out they don't sell replacements. So you have to buy a whole new pool, well we could not do that so we thought, Oh well. I was not looking forward to the heat. As you can see we have been very lucky and have enjoyed our summer.
Have I got a recommendation for you !! Go see the movie, "The Help
Guess what I have taken on, that is with Jim's help. We are recovering a couch that I threw out in the yard, that is in the back back yard. Well I got to feeling so bad about doing that and knew it was a good couch that I talk Jim into helping me redo it. We have peeled off all the offense material and the stuffing inside is snow white and in very good condition. All I have to buy is some batting and maybe upholstery nails as we have the material. I will keep you posted.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Good Morning!
Isn't that a beautiful flower
? I know some people call it a weed and it does turn into one of those globe like fuzzy balls like a dandelion but hey, right now it is beautiful.
We are having a cool morning and I am enjoying a cup of coffee
. Now will someone please tell me where has June gone. I swear it was just yesterday it was the first, now look. Maybe it's because I am getting older. I do notice how fast everything seems to be going. Remember when you were counting the days to turn 13, at last a teenager. Or who could forget becoming 16. Now you were grown up. And last but not least...taaadaaa! 21. Ok, you were not only all grown up but you could drink to boot. From then on it seems everything went down hill. Ha! Now we long for the days when we just had to clean up Mom's living room in order to meet our friends downtown. Now that is funny.
I'm putting my books on the computer. My son suggested that I use Googledocs
. After showing me where to go I explored it all and decided yes this was the place for me to go. This way I can use any computer to add, delete, or search. It's great. I plan on putting my movie collection and ebook collection from my Kindle
. I have a lot of books, so many in fact I kept putting them in archives as I was just getting overwhelmed. Now I will be able to put them on the screen myself and maybe add a memo. I know I can do that on the kindle but this way I can get to them faster. Anywho, hope it works, will let you know.
Must get some activity in this morning so will dance for 15 minutes or so. I find it is better than exercise. Believe me I have done my exercise since I was in my 20's now it's time to dance. Tootles
We are having a cool morning and I am enjoying a cup of coffee
I'm putting my books on the computer. My son suggested that I use Googledocs
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Good Morning!
School is out for some and almost out for others. What to do this summer. I'm talking about my Granddaughters but you know what, I'm also talking about myself. No, I am not going to school but I also want something to do this summer. You know something to look forward to but first I must tell you what Alice and Rose did.....
This is sweet Alice and Rose who I just love to watch. They seem to have such a good time together and to see them hopping around is pure joy. Well if you will notice the next picture is of tiny buds just starting to bloom. They are from my wild berry plant that I was so thrilled was coming up in my yard. Can you guess who also was thrilled to see them ?
That's right ! Alice and Rose have completely stripped every leaf and blossom off. You can't even tell what the bush was. Oh, Oh, Oh!!! I guess it's back to the frozen variety. Just look at those little buds. Oh well maybe next year. Now to get back to what to do for the summer. I have come up with an idea and I, myself am very excited about it. I want some statues for my yard but there is no way I can afford the price so....I am going to make my own with cement. I have read about and pick up pointers on how to do it. First I am going to start out small and just get the feel of how to do it. I want to get some marbles and make gazing balls. Hey, I broke a hand mirror yesterday. I am going to dig it out of the waste basket and use it. See I know I will keep coming up with ideas and I'm pretty sure my Granddaughter's will want to be involved and will come up with there own ideas. Tootles
That's right ! Alice and Rose have completely stripped every leaf and blossom off. You can't even tell what the bush was. Oh, Oh, Oh!!! I guess it's back to the frozen variety. Just look at those little buds. Oh well maybe next year. Now to get back to what to do for the summer. I have come up with an idea and I, myself am very excited about it. I want some statues for my yard but there is no way I can afford the price so....I am going to make my own with cement. I have read about and pick up pointers on how to do it. First I am going to start out small and just get the feel of how to do it. I want to get some marbles and make gazing balls. Hey, I broke a hand mirror yesterday. I am going to dig it out of the waste basket and use it. See I know I will keep coming up with ideas and I'm pretty sure my Granddaughter's will want to be involved and will come up with there own ideas. Tootles
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Running into Old Friends
Sometimes it's not fun. You can run into some friends and it's great. I mean they are really happy to see you and you can tell they are and you are just as happy to see them. Mainly it's just that you remember the happy times you spent together and hey, who doesn't want to remember the happy times. You chat for a few minutes and be on your way with a, "Hey it was really good to see you". Your both smiling and wave as you walk away. Then you have that so called friend. You know the type. The one who you realized too late was really not your friend. The one who pretended to be there for you only to be able to report to others your downs, never your ups. That happened to me a couple of weeks ago. This so called friend makes a point of gliding toward my husband and I. To explain a little, my husband and I have experienced some really bad times financially and let's just say were uprooted and are now somewhere else. The expression on her face was like the cat who caught the canary, if you know what I mean. You know, the smirk, the smile that never touches her eyes. My plan was to be polite, say hello and be on our way. I did not want to chit chat. I don't wish her ill will but also I did not want to give of my time. Well, so much for My plan. As you have guessed my husband had his own plan. He is chatting away. Asking about this and that and of course she is doing the same. I swear you would have thought they were best friends (um? is this something to think about?). Well, after at the least, 15 minutes I finally say, " Sorry we need to get going", and start to pull away. Her closing was, Hey, call me sometime my number is still the same. Now I ask you, if she would have been a true friend wouldn't she have ask for My phone #? Wouldn't she have truly made a point to let me know she wanted to see me again.? The thing is I admit I do not want to share any time with her nor did I lead her to believe I was her friend. Like I said I do not wish her ill will but do not want her in my life. My husband and I have made it through some really hard times and I am proud that we have. We have realized just what is important and what is a bag of hooey. No more hooey for me. You can guess what the ride home was like.........Tootles
Thursday, June 2, 2011
June 2, 2011. Where am I?
It is June 2, 2011 but what I don't understand is...Well, let me add a few facts. We had our pellet stove on last night. We slept with windows firmly shut. We heated up the bedroom before we went to bed. We still have a comforter along with a wool blanket covering us. This morning we had the heater on in the bathroom. We are putting on heavy sweats and sweatshirts. Our kitchen table sits along two windows which are again, firmly closed. Now I ask you, is this Alaska ? Is it North Dakota? Is it Maine? No, it is none of those cold weather states, which are normally still a little cold at this time of the year. We are located in the Central Valley, yes, it is the North part but never have I experienced this amount of cold this late in the year. Our gardens are in shock. The plants are sprouting but you can hear them screaming, "It's too cold, I am not moving until I get warm". In the last two weeks we have had 3 tornado's hit the ground north of us and guess what? Three more tornado's have hit the ground just south of us. We have not had the damage which the tornado's in the east have caused on all those brave and strong people but I ask you, Just what is going on? It's pretty creepy. Tootles
Sunday, May 22, 2011
New Earth Market
Hey, want to share with you what happened. I'm shopping and ask where would I find pizza crust? He takes me to the frozen section, shows me something that looks like a large tortilla. This is not what I want as I am about to say so he says...I have a recipe for dough that is really easy. Well, not one to turn down not only a new recipe but the kindness of a stranger. I said ok, I would love it. He goes and gets pen and paper,comes back to me and starts writing as he is telling me the directions. I ask him to please put his name, at least his first name. I thought this was quite clever of him as he signed it,Dan the meat man. He works behind the meat counter. Must tell you I tried it, aside from having to add 1 cup more flour
(I think he was mixed up) it was delicious. Now that is what I call customer service. This is a new market, just opened by several families together who's main concern is healthy and organic. I love it and I think you can see why. The strawberries are the sweetest best tasting berries I have ever tasted. We are so lucky. Tootles
(I think he was mixed up) it was delicious. Now that is what I call customer service. This is a new market, just opened by several families together who's main concern is healthy and organic. I love it and I think you can see why. The strawberries are the sweetest best tasting berries I have ever tasted. We are so lucky. Tootles
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Guillain Barre Syndrome
Thought I would talk about GBS. I have experienced this syndrome and it is not fun. The effect it has on your well being is unimaginable. It simply changes your life in ways you never dreamed possible. I recovered completely the first two times I had it and was 8 months pregnant the first time. The baby was healthy and fine. The 3rd and last time was much harder. Much more pain and slower recovery which I'm sure my age had a lot to do with it. It's been 15 years and still have numbness in the feet. Other than some problems with balance I feel back to normal, whatever that feels like. Ha!
I'm going to include this subject on my site each time I write as I feel if someone out there has GBS and just wants to know more maybe I can help.
Our spring is here, in fact it's 5:00am and the birds outside my window are sweetly chirping, what a way to start the day. Tootles
I'm going to include this subject on my site each time I write as I feel if someone out there has GBS and just wants to know more maybe I can help.
Our spring is here, in fact it's 5:00am and the birds outside my window are sweetly chirping, what a way to start the day. Tootles
Saturday, May 14, 2011
It's Saturday, It's windy, It's May and I'm cold
What in the world is up with this crazy weather we have been dealing with? Wait, let me stop myself right here...We, that is all of us on the west coast should not complain. Am I right or am I right? What I am talking about is usually by now we are in the summer sweats even though it's still officially spring. But then again I have to say since I have lived here (from the age of 15) everyone has always said, no matter what time of the year or what the weather was , it was always unusual for California. Ha! So, there you go. I think I just answered my own question.
I wanted to get a good picture of our new members to our farm family. New baby chicks. I realize I did not get a good picture but you have to give me E for effort as I was crouching on my knees, squashed under the edge of a boat trailer getting this picture. They, the cute little chicks, were not cooperating at all and would not get in the sunshine so you could see them better but hey, there they are and as you can see Mama is right beside them and did not like me angling for their picture. We do so love watching them scurry around hunting for bugs yet staying close to Mama. Tootles
I wanted to get a good picture of our new members to our farm family. New baby chicks. I realize I did not get a good picture but you have to give me E for effort as I was crouching on my knees, squashed under the edge of a boat trailer getting this picture. They, the cute little chicks, were not cooperating at all and would not get in the sunshine so you could see them better but hey, there they are and as you can see Mama is right beside them and did not like me angling for their picture. We do so love watching them scurry around hunting for bugs yet staying close to Mama. Tootles
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Flowers and Cats
This is what my Jim, brings me almost everyday. They are so beautiful and from the first rose of summer to the last rose in the fall I will have a bouquet in my house. The truly wonderful result of these are my dried petals. I never throw them away because I have a basket I put them in. Sometimes I end up with a lot of buds which have dried and they are wonderful especially the sweet smell.
We are having a warm sunny day today, I have made tea from my herbs. I found out you must brew the herbs to get a robust flavor as last week I did not. I just put the herbs, chopped, in a cheesecloth and put the pitcher in the freezer as I was short on time and had no ice well it just did not have the flavor I was expecting so today I brewed some raspberry leaves in cheesecloth and after it steeps for awhile will put it in the freezer to get cold. Plus I also made a combination of rosemary, sage, mint and oregano tea. Yum Yum, it will be good tonight.
This is Eleanor. She does this every morning. I'm afraid she feels the water dish on the floor is beneath her (no pun intended, well maybe). If by chance we have left dirty dishes in the sink we are meet with a stare which any cat owners will tremble at the thought. One morning I was doing dishes (yes, by hand as I do not have a dishwasher, I am the dishwasher, along with plates, glasses, silverware, pots, pans etc., well you get the picture) There was about 8" on the counter from the drainer to the edge of the counter, there she stretch out waiting for me to get done, I am not kidding. What an Eleanor! Tootles
We are having a warm sunny day today, I have made tea from my herbs. I found out you must brew the herbs to get a robust flavor as last week I did not. I just put the herbs, chopped, in a cheesecloth and put the pitcher in the freezer as I was short on time and had no ice well it just did not have the flavor I was expecting so today I brewed some raspberry leaves in cheesecloth and after it steeps for awhile will put it in the freezer to get cold. Plus I also made a combination of rosemary, sage, mint and oregano tea. Yum Yum, it will be good tonight.
This is Eleanor. She does this every morning. I'm afraid she feels the water dish on the floor is beneath her (no pun intended, well maybe). If by chance we have left dirty dishes in the sink we are meet with a stare which any cat owners will tremble at the thought. One morning I was doing dishes (yes, by hand as I do not have a dishwasher, I am the dishwasher, along with plates, glasses, silverware, pots, pans etc., well you get the picture) There was about 8" on the counter from the drainer to the edge of the counter, there she stretch out waiting for me to get done, I am not kidding. What an Eleanor! Tootles
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Birds and Things
Hello, and Happy Spring. At last our spring has arrived even though we seem to be having a lot of wind but who's complaining. We had some birds hitting against our window, didn't know why so looked it up on google. It seems our window was reflecting the outdoors and the birds thought it was another male in his territory. He was seeing himself. Since we have put up netting up and windsocks in front of the windows. Just didn't want them to hurt themselves. Interesting uh?
When I snap a pic I always take several right in a row as I love to get the next expression on faces but as in
these shots I got the bird in flight. Pretty cool uh?
This shot on the right I didn't even realize the bird was in the shot until my husband saw it. He's just hovering above the bird bath and Rose, one of our goats. I had more fun taking these pictures and our yard is full of birds and above these windows outside under the eves we have a nest above each window. It's so exciting if by chance we are able to view the new birdie taking his first flight. We do have cats but we have been able to keep them away from them, especially the new babies.
Now the picture below is so beautiful to me. I also didn't see it right away. In fact I had went through the
pictures several times and until I enlarged them I had not seen the bird. I think this is really a vision for the eyes and I must say am impressed with my iphone 3g camera. Priceless. As they say.
Have a super good day and happy spring. Tootles
When I snap a pic I always take several right in a row as I love to get the next expression on faces but as in
these shots I got the bird in flight. Pretty cool uh?
This shot on the right I didn't even realize the bird was in the shot until my husband saw it. He's just hovering above the bird bath and Rose, one of our goats. I had more fun taking these pictures and our yard is full of birds and above these windows outside under the eves we have a nest above each window. It's so exciting if by chance we are able to view the new birdie taking his first flight. We do have cats but we have been able to keep them away from them, especially the new babies.
Now the picture below is so beautiful to me. I also didn't see it right away. In fact I had went through the
pictures several times and until I enlarged them I had not seen the bird. I think this is really a vision for the eyes and I must say am impressed with my iphone 3g camera. Priceless. As they say.
Have a super good day and happy spring. Tootles
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Have we done it right ? Or is there a right ?
Did you ever look back on your life and realize you missed out. You missed out on so many things. I'm not talking about riches or places, trips or lands to conquer. I'm talking about your life from the time you left school but then even in school. I mean things that happen in school, like dances, meeting new friends and grades. How about the grades. Why didn't they mean something to me. Why didn't I understand how important it was to try, at least try. I say, I was told from my Mom, that she didn't do very good in school so that became my crutch. I used that, but why did I use that. It shouldn't have mattered what her grades were but you see then I found out she was on the honor roll. WHAT! What does that say for me. Maybe she didn't think I could do any better so was trying to make me feel ok about it. That hurts, a lot. I feel terrible about it now because I really never believed I could do good in school. I really missed out. I remember feeling that I was dumb and that is really awful but now I see if I had just tried, I think I would have done very well. Don't get me wrong I am in no way blaming my Mom. She was just being sweet and letting me down easy. I should have been the one to give it a go. Then after High School, after getting married I always felt that I was always running to something else. It didn't matter what was in my life at the time I was always running to get somewhere else. I didn't appreciated what I had right in front of me. You know as the saying goes, "The grass always looks greener on the other side," That was me. When I had all my kids, I would think how nice it would be if I had a good job and was single. Don't get me wrong, I love each and everyone of my kids. There was never a dull moment and we did have a lot of fun but did I really realize just what I had, while I had it. No, I don't think so. I do know everyone has regrets and wishes they could go and do over a lot of events in their lives, but that is not what I'm trying to say. I don't want a do over, I don't want to change my life, I would just like to love every moment so much more. You know what I mean. In the moment anything was happening I wish I would have been there fully in that moment. I hate to say it but I just don't think that I was. It's funny but I really don't want to know what my kids would say about their growing up years. I'm afraid it would be different then mine. I mean a few years ago I never had any of these doubts. I would say with all the confidence in the world that we had a loving home, happy kids, happy times and generally a great family but then time marches on and you hear a little here and a little there and you realize maybe they didn't think it was so wonderful and that's when the doubts creep in and you realize those terrific kids you raised have an opinion and maybe it isn't the same as your opinion. Scary uh? I just wish I could go back and all those little moments, the ones that don't last more than a blink of an eye moments and experience them again and make sure I appreciate them. Make sure I know and realize those are the moments to remember. Those are the moments we cherish. Those are the moments that shape our lives. It's the ones we don't plan, the ones that just happen, no one knows why. Have I messed up ? Did I do it wrong. Well, is there a right and wrong or is it just a different way. I don't know. I wish I did because then I would pass it along to you and we could ease so many hearts. We could say it's ok. Here are some thoughts for you to ponder and maybe you can come up with some answers.
Now that I am much older and have much, much time to sit and ponder and think, I realize I could have done things a lot different. I know that is what everyone says but hey, why make us so wise now ? Just what are we suppose to do with it ? Where are we suppose to go and give all this wisdom away ? I sure wish I knew that. It would be a joke to try and tell a young person today some of what I have learned. They would not understand. They (I don't know who they are) say people have to make their own mistakes otherwise they do not learn. You know, this is a quote from someone famous and I'm sorry to say I don't remember who said it....."A smart person learns from his mistakes but a wise person learns from other peoples mistakes." That is wise. It would be lovely to have had an angel right by your side guiding you every step of the way. Tapping you on the shoulder to make you aware,....."Hey, this moment your in right now is something you need to pay attention to and remember." Wouldn't that have been great. Tootles
Now that I am much older and have much, much time to sit and ponder and think, I realize I could have done things a lot different. I know that is what everyone says but hey, why make us so wise now ? Just what are we suppose to do with it ? Where are we suppose to go and give all this wisdom away ? I sure wish I knew that. It would be a joke to try and tell a young person today some of what I have learned. They would not understand. They (I don't know who they are) say people have to make their own mistakes otherwise they do not learn. You know, this is a quote from someone famous and I'm sorry to say I don't remember who said it....."A smart person learns from his mistakes but a wise person learns from other peoples mistakes." That is wise. It would be lovely to have had an angel right by your side guiding you every step of the way. Tapping you on the shoulder to make you aware,....."Hey, this moment your in right now is something you need to pay attention to and remember." Wouldn't that have been great. Tootles
Good Morning !
all I bought. You know how caught up you get when you are amongst all these beautiful flowers and you just start grabbing, which I did. In the one picture you can see I already have Rosemary growing and if you look close you will see Mint right in the center of it. My Rosemary is blooming and I just love it.
Now, I have a confession to make. Don't judge, ok? The tiny pink flowers and the white flowers are fake. Ok, I know that is awful but I did that because I wanted to add a little something. Besides doesn't it look beautiful.
Now, for the good part, all around the rosemary and yes, my fake flowers I have put
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This is Just The Beginning !
Welcome. Won't you come in and sit awhile ? How about a cup of Earl Gray to start off ? We here, at the Dusty Cottage, are so glad you stopped by. I, myself have so many things to share with you and it's important you are comfortable and happy to be here. So sit back, relax and enjoy.
This is my front door. Isn't it just cool ? My Jim made it. He knows I love anything that has to do with a cottage so he rounded off the top. I just love them. Now that you are at my front door you might as well join us.
One of the things I wanted to share is weight loss. Have you had any lately? No, well me neither. Now here is the good news. I just had the pleasure of reading a book (I know what you are thinking, Not another diet !) about diets exercise etc., well you get the picture. What was different about this book is.....the author had no diet to follow. What, you say? That is right. In fact he stated a few facts I would like to share with you. Let's face it diet plans that limit you to certain foods, do not work, for that matter any diet plan no matter what the foods are involved do not work. I will say the closest one would be Weight Watchers. That is because it doesn't really limit you to certain food and it's everyday food. You don't have to by their products. I know, you can as I have bought them from WW but what I am saying is, that is your choice as you can make the food yourself. Getting back to what I was talking about.... We, are the ones who need to change. Our behavior, attitude, and where we eat. I know I have a habit of eating in the evening, yes, watching tv. We know that is the worst. He states sometimes we eat our of boredom or we think we are hungry when what we are is thirsty. Just some thoughts to think about. I will have more later. Interesting don't you think.
It's very cold here this morning. We had to cover our citrus trees as lots of frost. Our animals are doing fine. The house cats, Elviria, Eleanor and Edgar are fine. The house dogs, Tasha, Bella and Olivia are also fine as all of them are in out of the cold. Now our outside animals I do worry about even though they do have a shelter to stay in. We have out goats, Alice and Rosalie. Our rooster, Tweet Tweet, who has beautiful colorful feathers. Seven chickens and one baby chick. Plus we have 7 pigeons and one baby pigeon. And last but not least we have Elvis, who is a black cat that showed up one day as a little kitty. We have tried to get him to come in the house but he refuses. So he stays in the shelter with the goats. Will be talking about our animals at varies times so wanted you to know them.
I have started getting plants for the yard. They are so pretty in the stores. Here is my plan. Everytime I go to the grocery store I can buy two plants. I have decided to only get yellow and purple flowers. Maybe some blue. Just want to have some kind of a theme. I love those colors. Several years ago I had a Moon Garden. It was beautiful. At that time we had a little pond in our back yard and I only bought white or silver plants to put around it. When we had a full moon it was like it was glowing. I just love it. So I'm deciding where to put my yellow and purple flowers as they are still inside, it's just too cold to put them outside yet.
Another thing I am going to do is go to the Farmers Market
, I joined or I should say signed up for "Local Harvest".
They let you know where the farmers markets and organic farms are in your area. I'm very excited about that as I have discovered some in my area very close by so this should be good. My Jim is also going to plant some veggies for us. So the spring seems very promising for us
I have discovered to just Believe and everything works out. Here's to a Healthy, Happy New Beginning. Talk to you soon. Tootles
This is my front door. Isn't it just cool ? My Jim made it. He knows I love anything that has to do with a cottage so he rounded off the top. I just love them. Now that you are at my front door you might as well join us.
One of the things I wanted to share is weight loss. Have you had any lately? No, well me neither. Now here is the good news. I just had the pleasure of reading a book (I know what you are thinking, Not another diet !) about diets exercise etc., well you get the picture. What was different about this book is.....the author had no diet to follow. What, you say? That is right. In fact he stated a few facts I would like to share with you. Let's face it diet plans that limit you to certain foods, do not work, for that matter any diet plan no matter what the foods are involved do not work. I will say the closest one would be Weight Watchers. That is because it doesn't really limit you to certain food and it's everyday food. You don't have to by their products. I know, you can as I have bought them from WW but what I am saying is, that is your choice as you can make the food yourself. Getting back to what I was talking about.... We, are the ones who need to change. Our behavior, attitude, and where we eat. I know I have a habit of eating in the evening, yes, watching tv. We know that is the worst. He states sometimes we eat our of boredom or we think we are hungry when what we are is thirsty. Just some thoughts to think about. I will have more later. Interesting don't you think.
I have started getting plants for the yard. They are so pretty in the stores. Here is my plan. Everytime I go to the grocery store I can buy two plants. I have decided to only get yellow and purple flowers. Maybe some blue. Just want to have some kind of a theme. I love those colors. Several years ago I had a Moon Garden. It was beautiful. At that time we had a little pond in our back yard and I only bought white or silver plants to put around it. When we had a full moon it was like it was glowing. I just love it. So I'm deciding where to put my yellow and purple flowers as they are still inside, it's just too cold to put them outside yet.
Another thing I am going to do is go to the Farmers Market
I have discovered to just Believe and everything works out. Here's to a Healthy, Happy New Beginning. Talk to you soon. Tootles
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Sun is out !!
Elviria is thrilled ! Oh, what is that coming through the window, it's warms and oh so bright ? THE SUN ! It has been many, many days since we have seen it. Oh, I can't believe what a difference it makes. You just get in a better mood and to be able to sit by a window and feel the warmth......heaven.
Have you put away all the Holiday decorations ? You know we all love the holidays and we all love them to be over. Ha ! If you can stay away from all the advertising and scams then it's much better. I know that is hard to do. I do love the excitement and getting in the spirit of the holiday but I certainly do not need to be bombarded with all the ads and hype. Just very glad it's over and the next holiday is Valentines. I know, I know, we will be bombarded with hype again but with all my strength I will avoid it and just enjoy the sweet and lovely Valentines Day.
Have you joined the gym yet ? Or are you back at the gym ? Jim and I have started our routine again. I have to admit I do love it. You just feel better and better. Besides we have meant some great people. We are getting out and moving and that's very important. Don't delay......go and join. Tootles and Doodles
Have you put away all the Holiday decorations ? You know we all love the holidays and we all love them to be over. Ha ! If you can stay away from all the advertising and scams then it's much better. I know that is hard to do. I do love the excitement and getting in the spirit of the holiday but I certainly do not need to be bombarded with all the ads and hype. Just very glad it's over and the next holiday is Valentines. I know, I know, we will be bombarded with hype again but with all my strength I will avoid it and just enjoy the sweet and lovely Valentines Day.
Have you joined the gym yet ? Or are you back at the gym ? Jim and I have started our routine again. I have to admit I do love it. You just feel better and better. Besides we have meant some great people. We are getting out and moving and that's very important. Don't delay......go and join. Tootles and Doodles
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year !
This is my pretty Tasha. What a sweet dog she is, even if she is self centered and thinks all the toys are hers. Ha! We got her on Craigslist and never regretted it for one minute. The sun is shinning brightly on that day but not today as we are to have rain today and tomorrow. Then next week it looks like sun, sun, sun. Yeah ! I do miss the sun.
These are our other two dogs. Olivia on the arm of the couch and Bella in the chair. What little scampers they are and sadly little beggars thanks to my husband. We love them dearly and enjoy all their personalities along with our 3 cats which are indoors also. We do have a cat outdoors, that Jim started feeding as it was a stray and we have tried to get it to come in but he, Elvis, that is what Jim named him is just too scared to come in. So we feed it outside and enjoy it. Tootles
These are our other two dogs. Olivia on the arm of the couch and Bella in the chair. What little scampers they are and sadly little beggars thanks to my husband. We love them dearly and enjoy all their personalities along with our 3 cats which are indoors also. We do have a cat outdoors, that Jim started feeding as it was a stray and we have tried to get it to come in but he, Elvis, that is what Jim named him is just too scared to come in. So we feed it outside and enjoy it. Tootles
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Working Hard !
Exercising every other day. I have a positive attitude. I do hope I improve but I am luckier then a lot of people. Thank the Lord God. Pr...
These are just some of what I took. I tell you I could just ride around for hours just looking at all the houses. The whole feeling of be...
I have two blankets going and the patterns are a little different. The little head and ear is Bella, my sweet puppy. I'm going to work ...